jasonleibowitz / react-add-to-calendar-hoc

Simple Unopinionated React Add to Calendar Button. Bring your own components.
MIT License
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Doesn't work in next.js project #52

Closed ojelicoder closed 3 years ago

ojelicoder commented 3 years ago

Hello there,

Screen Shot 2021-05-28 at 02 28 43

I'm adding to my Next.js project as follows. import AddToCalendarHOC from 'react-add-to-calendar-hoc';

const AddToCalendarModal = AddToCalendarHOC (Button, CalendarModal), isiOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent), [event, setEvent] = useState (null); useEffect(() => { const startDatetime = moment (). utc (). add (2, 'days'), endDatetime = startDatetime.clone (). add (2, 'hours'), duration = moment.duration(endDatetime.diff(startDatetime)).asHours();

    const event = {
        description: 'Description of event. Going to have a lot of fun doing things that we scheduled ahead of time.',
        endDatetime: endDatetime.format('YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZ'),
        location: 'NYC',
        startDatetime: startDatetime.format ('YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZ'),
        title: 'Super Fun Event',

    setEvent (event);

and I am getting error as below. ReferenceError: CalendarModal is not defined

Can you help me?

jasonleibowitz commented 3 years ago

Yea, that's because you never imported or defined CalendarModal. If you look at the code of the examples, you'll see that CalendarModal is imported here.

I just created a very simple CalendarModal as an example, but as this is a HOC, you should use whatever component you want. The CalendarModal example uses react-modal.

ojelicoder commented 3 years ago

Hi @jasonleibowitz ,

Thank you so much for your answer.. Yes, when I add a modal, this error is gone, but the modal does not open. You can see it in the screenshot. Where exactly am I going wrong?

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ojelicoder commented 3 years ago

Hi @jasonleibowitz,

After a few edits I see it working.

Thank you so much.

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