jasonmayes / Twitter-Post-Fetcher

Fetch your twitter posts without using the new Twitter 1.1 API. Pure JavaScript! By Jason Mayes
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Feed pulling 5 tweets from other feeds #145

Closed nathancoffey closed 7 years ago

nathancoffey commented 7 years ago

This plugin quit working for a client and while the word 'Twitter' is pointing to the correct twitter account, the 5 tweets it is pulling come from 5 different accounts and not ours. The account is @gothamorg but the feed is showing 5 random tweets with the word Gotham in them.

Look at the bottom of http://www.gothamorg.com/about

this is the code we have: http://prntscr.com/fknx9b

jasonmayes commented 7 years ago

We stopped supporting widget IDs a long time ago. Please try and use the new example:

var configProfile = { "profile": {"screenName": 'jason_mayes'}, "domId": 'example', "maxTweets": 5, "enableLinks": true, "showUser": true, "showTime": true, "showImages": true, "lang": 'en' }; twitterFetcher.fetch(configProfile);