jasonmc / forked-daapd

A re-write of the firefly media server (mt-daapd). It's released under GPLv2+. Please note that this git repository is a mirror of the official one at git://git.debian.org/~jblache/forked-daapd.git
GNU General Public License v2.0
328 stars 45 forks source link

playlists show up empty #87

Open snizzleorg opened 12 years ago

snizzleorg commented 12 years ago

Using forked-daapd v. 0.19 put m3u playlist in library folder, although in iTunes the playlist shows up, it shows up empty. On iOS remote it does not even show up at all.

snizzleorg commented 12 years ago

No-one having that problem?

snizzleorg commented 11 years ago

nobody has any suggestions or work-arounds for the playlist issue? Need some help to sort out this issue as it's the only show-stopper to a otherwise great daapd server

fenollp commented 11 years ago

Show us your log output. It's under /var/log/forked-daapd.log or whatever you set it in your conf.
Does it grep with 'dereferenc'? Then this is a known non-issue; you'll learn what you need by reading one of my posts about realpath(). Here it is: https://github.com/jasonmc/forked-daapd/issues/63

snizzleorg commented 11 years ago

Thanks for looking into the issue:

loglevel: spam

steffen@snizzlenas:~$ cat /var/log/forked-daapd.log | grep dereferenc steffen@snizzlenas:~$


steffen@snizzlenas:~$ cat /var/log/forked-daapd.log | grep m3u [2012-10-08 11:56:00] scan: Deferred playlist /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/_Radio.m3u [2012-10-08 11:56:00] scan: Deferred playlist /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/dlf.m3u [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Processing static playlist: /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/_Radio.m3u [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'SELECT p.* FROM playlists p WHERE p.path = '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists/_Radio.m3u';' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Processing static playlist: /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/dlf.m3u [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'SELECT p.* FROM playlists p WHERE p.path = '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists/dlf.m3u';'

steffen@snizzlenas:~$ cat /var/log/forked-daapd.log | grep playlist [2012-10-08 11:55:57] db: Running query 'SELECT COUNT(_) FROM playlists p WHERE p.disabled = 0;' [2012-10-08 11:55:57] db: Database OK with 11444 active files and 6 active playlists [2012-10-08 11:56:00] scan: Processing directory /mnt/tank0/data/playlists (flags = 0x1) [2012-10-08 11:56:00] scan: Deferred playlist /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/Radio.m3u [2012-10-08 11:56:00] scan: Deferred playlist /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/dlf.m3u [2012-10-08 11:56:00] db: Running query 'INSERT INTO inotify (wd, cookie, path) VALUES (1, 0, '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists');' [2012-10-08 12:36:01] scan: Deferred playlist /mnt/tank0/imac/steffen/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Coldplay/iTunes Festival London 2011/iTunes Festival_ London 2011 - Single - iTunes LP.itlp/manifest.xml [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Now processing deferred playlists from bulk scan [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Processing static playlist: /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/Radio.m3u [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'SELECT p. FROM playlists p WHERE p.path = '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists/Radio.m3u';' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'SELECT COUNT() FROM playlistitems pi JOIN files f ON pi.filepath = f.path WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND pi.playlistid = 7;' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'UPDATE playlists SET dbtimestamp = 1349692569, disabled = 0 WHERE id = 7;' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'DELETE FROM playlistitems WHERE playlistid = 7;' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Done processing playlist [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Processing static playlist: /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/dlf.m3u [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'SELECT p. FROM playlists p WHERE p.path = '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists/dlf.m3u';' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM playlistitems pi JOIN files f ON pi.filepath = f.path WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND pi.playlistid = 8;' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'UPDATE playlists SET db_timestamp = 1349692569, disabled = 0 WHERE id = 8;' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'DELETE FROM playlistitems WHERE playlistid = 8;' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Could not determine real path for '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists/http://dradio_mp3_dlf_m.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/249/142684/v1/gnl.akacast.akamaistream.net/dradio_mp3_dlf_m': No such file or directory [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Done processing playlist [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Malformed iTunes XML playlist '/mnt/tank0/imac/steffen/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Coldplay/iTunes Festival London 2011/iTunes Festival London 2011 - Single - iTunes LP.itlp/manifest.xml' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running purge query 'DELETE FROM playlistitems WHERE playlistid IN (SELECT id FROM playlists p WHERE p.type <> 1 AND p.db_timestamp < 1349690160);' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running purge query 'DELETE FROM playlists WHERE type <> 1 AND db_timestamp < 1349690160;'

I don't care about the Festival_xml stuff. but _Radio.m3u as well as dlf.m3u show up empty. I can sort of understand that the dlf.m3u turns up empty as forked-daapd seems not to like the http:// location. the other however contains an existing mp3.

Ultimately I do only care about the playlist to be able to stream internet radio.

Regarding the problem with realpath - I ran into the issue before. I solved it by running forked-daapd as root. not elegant but i figure sufficient for my home use. The reason is that the library gets updated every so often from my mac through an rsync script.

fenollp commented 11 years ago

Try to remove your http:// playlist and “iTunes Festival_ London 2011

On 08/10/2012, universaldilettant notifications@github.com wrote:

Thanks for looking into the issue:

loglevel: spam

steffen@snizzlenas:~$ cat /var/log/forked-daapd.log | grep dereferenc steffen@snizzlenas:~$


steffen@snizzlenas:~$ cat /var/log/forked-daapd.log | grep m3u [2012-10-08 11:56:00] scan: Deferred playlist /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/_Radio.m3u [2012-10-08 11:56:00] scan: Deferred playlist /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/dlf.m3u [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Processing static playlist: /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/_Radio.m3u [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'SELECT p.* FROM playlists p WHERE p.path = '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists/_Radio.m3u';' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Processing static playlist: /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/dlf.m3u [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'SELECT p.* FROM playlists p WHERE p.path = '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists/dlf.m3u';'

steffen@snizzlenas:~$ cat /var/log/forked-daapd.log | grep playlist [2012-10-08 11:55:57] db: Running query 'SELECT COUNT(_) FROM playlists p WHERE p.disabled = 0;' [2012-10-08 11:55:57] db: Database OK with 11444 active files and 6 active playlists [2012-10-08 11:56:00] scan: Processing directory /mnt/tank0/data/playlists (flags = 0x1) [2012-10-08 11:56:00] scan: Deferred playlist /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/Radio.m3u [2012-10-08 11:56:00] scan: Deferred playlist /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/dlf.m3u [2012-10-08 11:56:00] db: Running query 'INSERT INTO inotify (wd, cookie, path) VALUES (1, 0, '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists');' [2012-10-08 12:36:01] scan: Deferred playlist /mnt/tank0/imac/steffen/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Coldplay/iTunes Festival London 2011/iTunes Festival_ London 2011 - Single - iTunes LP.itlp/manifest.xml [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Now processing deferred playlists from bulk scan [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Processing static playlist: /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/Radio.m3u [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'SELECT p. FROM playlists p WHERE p.path = '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists/Radio.m3u';' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'SELECT COUNT() FROM playlistitems pi JOIN files f ON pi.filepath = f.path WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND pi.playlistid = 7;' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'UPDATE playlists SET dbtimestamp = 1349692569, disabled = 0 WHERE id = 7;' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'DELETE FROM playlistitems WHERE playlistid = 7;' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Done processing playlist [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Processing static playlist: /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/dlf.m3u [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'SELECT p. FROM playlists p WHERE p.path = '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists/dlf.m3u';' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM playlistitems pi JOIN files f ON pi.filepath = f.path WHERE f.disabled = 0 AND pi.playlistid = 8;' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'UPDATE playlists SET db_timestamp = 1349692569, disabled = 0 WHERE id = 8;' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running query 'DELETE FROM playlistitems WHERE playlistid = 8;' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Could not determine real path for '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists/http://dradio_mp3_dlf_m.akacast.akamaistream.net/7/249/142684/v1/gnl.akacast.akamaistream.net/dradio_mp3_dlf_m': No such file or directory [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Done processing playlist [2012-10-08 12:36:09] scan: Malformed iTunes XML playlist '/mnt/tank0/imac/steffen/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Coldplay/iTunes Festival London 2011/iTunes Festival London 2011 - Single - iTunes LP.itlp/manifest.xml' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running purge query 'DELETE FROM playlistitems WHERE playlistid IN (SELECT id FROM playlists p WHERE p.type <> 1 AND p.db_timestamp < 1349690160);' [2012-10-08 12:36:09] db: Running purge query 'DELETE FROM playlists WHERE type <> 1 AND db_timestamp < 1349690160;'

I don't care about the Festival_xml stuff. but _Radio.m3u as well as dlf.m3u show up empty. I can sort of understand that the dlf.m3u turns up empty as forked-daapd seems not to like the http:// location. the other however contains an existing mp3.

Ultimately I do only care about the playlist to be able to stream internet radio.

Regarding the problem with realpath - I ran into the issue before. I solved it by running forked-daapd as root. not elegant but i figure sufficient for my home use. The reason is that the library gets updated every so often from my mac through an rsync script.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/jasonmc/forked-daapd/issues/87#issuecomment-9222308

snizzleorg commented 11 years ago

Ok, I tried, now the log looks like this:

steffen@snizzlenas:~$ cat /var/log/forked-daapd.log | grep playlist [2012-10-08 15:57:51] db: Running query 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM playlists p WHERE p.disabled = 0;' [2012-10-08 15:57:51] db: Database OK with 11445 active files and 5 active playlists [2012-10-08 15:57:54] scan: Processing directory /mnt/tank0/data/playlists (flags = 0x1) [2012-10-08 15:57:54] scan: Deferred playlist /mnt/tank0/data/playlists/_Radio.m3u [2012-10-08 15:57:54] db: Running query 'SELECT f.id, f.db_timestamp FROM files f WHERE f.path = '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists/01.mp3';' [2012-10-08 15:57:54] db: Running query 'INSERT INTO files (id, path, fname, title, artist, album, genre, comment, type, composer, orchestra, conductor, grouping, url, bitrate, samplerate, song_length, file_size, year, track, total_tracks, disc, total_discs, bpm, compilation, rating, play_count, data_kind, item_kind, description, time_added, time_modified, time_played, db_timestamp, disabled, sample_count, codectype, idx, has_video, contentrating, bits_per_sample, album_artist, media_kind, tv_series_name, tv_episode_num_str, tv_network_name, tv_episode_sort, tv_season_num, songalbumid, title_sort, artist_sort, album_sort, composer_sort, album_artist_sort ) VALUES (NULL, '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists/01.mp3', '01.mp3', TRIM('O divanın üstündeki baygın bakışın'), TRIM('Baba Zula & Mad Professor'), TRIM('Psychebelly Dance Music'), TRIM('Pop'), TRIM(NULL), 'mp3', TRIM(NULL), TRIM(NULL), TRIM(NULL), TRIM(NULL), NULL, 191, 44100, 137577, 3301870, 2005, 1, 15, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 'MPEG audio file', 1349704674, 1328569594, 0, 1349704674, 0, 0, 'mpeg', 0, 0, 0, 16, TRIM('Baba Zula & Mad Professor'), 1, TRIM(NULL), TRIM(NULL), TRIM(NULL), 0, 0, daap_songalbumid(TRIM('Baba Zula & Mad Professor'), TRIM('Psychebelly Dance Music')), TRIM('O divanın üstündeki baygın bakışın'), TRIM('Baba Zula & Mad Professor'), TRIM('Psychebelly Dance Music'), TRIM(NULL), TRIM('Baba Zula & Mad Professor'));' [2012-10-08 15:57:54] db: Running query 'INSERT INTO inotify (wd, cookie, path) VALUES (1, 0, '/mnt/tank0/data/playlists');'

cannot test whether the mp3 shows up in the playlist cause itunes does not work through vpn but will do when getting home.

However even if it works... how can i use streams in playlists? As I said I do not really care about playlists webstreams (Radio) is what I'm after....

snizzleorg commented 11 years ago

ah and sorry for not answering the compile flag question. I did not compile but installed through apt-get (ubuntu 12.04)

snizzleorg commented 11 years ago

so, still same problem playlist shows up empty in itunes and does not show up at all in ios remote app... :-(

snizzleorg commented 11 years ago

bump. I still haven't figured out how to get the playlists (especially streaming radio) working. anybody has any suggestions?