jasonmk / datastax_rails

A Ruby-on-Rails interface to Datastax Enterprise. Replaces the majority of ActiveRecord functionality.
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rails g migration error #1

Closed giovannelli closed 11 years ago

giovannelli commented 12 years ago

Hi Jason, first thing tnx for your work, really well done and usefull!

I'm trying to generate a migration but i receive this error:

`require': cannot load such file -- datastax_rails/generators/migration_generator (LoadError)

I see that there's non generator in datastax_rails, i've tried with

rails g migration FooTable (for mysql active record table) and rails g datastax_rails:migration CreateFooColumnFamily

But raise the same error.

Tnx in advance

jasonmk commented 12 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to look at the project. Obviously, it's still very much a work in progress. Generators aren't actually implemented yet. What is there is just left overs from the project I migrated from.

That said, migration generators will never be needed. Once the model is created, all you need to do is:

rake ds:schema

That will upload all the Solr schemas for the models which will cause DSE to automatically create any column families that don't exist.

Thanks! Jason