jasonraimondi / url-to-png

Selfhosted. URL to PNG utility featuring parallel rendering using Playwright for screenshots and with storage caching via Local, S3, or CouchDB
MIT License
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Support for hashing the URL params #30

Closed enstyled closed 4 months ago

enstyled commented 4 months ago

For security reasons, it would be great to have the option to encode the URL params with a salt string.

So instead of the URL like


One will get something like


The salt string can be shared between the app that generates the URL, e.g. you website and the url-to-png service for decoding, while rejecting invalid hashes. This will help preventing abuse since people won't be able to make requests with huge width/height values or pointing the service to malicious websites.

jasonraimondi commented 4 months ago

I would have no problem with supporting something like this. If you want to submit a PR, I would be happy to merge it!

jasonraimondi commented 4 months ago

I'll try and get this in the v1.6 release

jasonraimondi commented 4 months ago

This should be resolved in v2.0.0. Checkout the encryption docs here and let me know if you have any questions.

enstyled commented 4 months ago

Fantastic, thank you so much! ❤️

My only question about the encryption would be is it straight-forward to generate the hashed URL from another language than JavaScript? I can see right now it's an imported function from the JS package.

jasonraimondi commented 4 months ago

I imagine you could just plop this right into an LLM and tell it to convert it to x language, it would be able to.


jasonraimondi commented 4 months ago

I just threw it into anthropic and got this. My initial glance at this, it looks roughly correct. I have not actually tried it.

require 'base64'
require 'json'
require 'openssl'

class StringEncrypter
  ENCRYPTED_STRING_DATA_REGEX = /^str-enc:(.+):(.+)$/

  attr_reader :crypto_key

  def initialize(crypto_key)
    @crypto_key = crypto_key

  def encrypt(clear_text)
    iv = OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(12)
    cipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-256-gcm')
    cipher.key = @crypto_key
    cipher.iv = iv
    encrypted_data = cipher.update(clear_text) + cipher.final
    encoded_cipher_text = Base64.strict_encode64(encrypted_data)
    encoded_iv = Base64.strict_encode64(iv)

  def decrypt(encrypted_data)
    if (match = encrypted_data.match(ENCRYPTED_STRING_DATA_REGEX))
      encoded_cipher_text, encoded_iv = match.captures
      cipher_text = Base64.strict_decode64(encoded_cipher_text)
      iv = Base64.strict_decode64(encoded_iv)
      decipher = OpenSSL::Cipher.new('aes-256-gcm')
      decipher.key = @crypto_key
      decipher.iv = iv
      decipher.update(cipher_text) + decipher.final
      raise 'Invalid encrypted data'

  def export_key

  def export_key_string
    { key: export_key }.to_json


  def is_encrypted_string_data?(data)