jasonratcliff / thesis

Source code and data for MSc thesis
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Update code cell options with `quarto` syntax #28

Open jasonratcliff opened 3 years ago

jasonratcliff commented 3 years ago

Quarto Chunks


Cross References

Replace inline R Markdown bookdown cross references with `quarto:


```{r fig-<label>}
#| fig-cap: >
#|   Full caption...
#| fig-scap: >
#|   Short caption for LoF

### Tables
#| tbl-cap: >
#|   Full caption...

## Issues

* [ ] Missing support for table short captions e.g., `tbl-scap`
    + Conflict with dot fill operation for LaTeX `LoT` entries

# Chapters

* [x] Introduction | #92 
* [x] Methods | #94 
* [ ] Results
* [ ] Discussion
* [x] Appendices | #96
jasonratcliff commented 3 years ago

For table captions, fig.scap does not work. Need to address conflict between period at end of table caption and LaTeX \dotfill spacing.

jasonratcliff commented 3 years ago

knitr::kable() has an argument caption.short to address this: