jasonrohrer / OneLife

a multiplayer survival game of parenting and civilization building
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Gate Transfer Notice #963

Closed TheMingo888 closed 11 months ago

TheMingo888 commented 11 months ago

When you provide ownership of a gate to another player, it is not immediately clear if it succeeded. The other person receives a private notice, but you do not. This wasn't really a problem in the past, since you just assumed it succeeded, but now it is annoying since there are new requirements that both parties have to be standing sufficiently close to the gate. If one of you is not close enough, it fails, but the person providing ownership cannot tell since even a success provides no feedback.

jasonrohrer commented 11 months ago

Good point!

jasonrohrer commented 11 months ago

Hmm... do both parties have to be standing sufficiently close? You have to be standing w/in 20.... and the other person has to be within 5000.

It was always silent failure if you stood more than 20 away.

Now it's also silent failure if the other person is more than 5000 away.

I will still add some messages around this, but it doesn't feel like there was that dramatic of a change here (who was really trying to assign property to someone who was 5000 away before and just expecting it to work?)

cordy-123 commented 11 months ago

I will still add some messages around this, but it doesn't feel like there was that dramatic of a change here (who was really trying to assign property to someone who was 5000 away before and just expecting it to work?)

As I mentioned here before https://github.com/jasonrohrer/OneLife/issues/832, griefers were doing it so they would give ownership of gates (ie. the towns most important items) to other fams so you'd have to go to a diff fam and have to communicate (thru paper/radio) to get your gate back.

That's the tldr. The github issue linked above has the comprehensive explanation.

Real example:

http://lineage.onehouronelife.com/server.php?action=character_page&id=9267882 (this life is from an alt account of a prolific griefer.) Female Starlin's final words : "Mary redhead owns this"

-> as you can see here (http://lineage.onehouronelife.com/server.php?action=character_page&id=9267993), Mary Redhead was of a different race

This was a life of Kilian's alt griefer account.

Kilian liked doing stuff like that.

Giving away gate ownership to other fams which was a real hassle to undo.

Getting diff fam's leaders to follow him even if he is of a diff race.

For a few months, he'd get leadership of fams' hierarchies even when he was in DT or tutorial. And he would jokingly call the tutorial's small building as his "office" where he would thru the mod chat hold court. People would (thru mod chat) ask for Kilian to exile griefers, etc. I believe a few times, he was even able to have most of the server (maybe 3 fams, iirc) under his tutorial / dt leadership.

Kilian is not the only one. But he's the most prolific one in this specific style of "griefing".

cordy-123 commented 11 months ago

Hmm... do both parties have to be standing sufficiently close? You have to be standing w/in 20.... and the other person has to be within 5000.

It was always silent failure if you stood more than 20 away.

Now it's also silent failure if the other person is more than 5000 away.

I will still add some messages around this, but it doesn't feel like there was that dramatic of a change here (who was really trying to assign property to someone who was 5000 away before and just expecting it to work?)


you have to be within 20 tiles of the gate to GIVE ownership https://github.com/jasonrohrer/OneLife/commit/b4813a800014319ba26d613ea6d8354e55818fa7

and the target person has to be within 200 tiles of the gate to RECEIVE ownership. https://github.com/jasonrohrer/OneLife/commit/505be91e79afd421620bfb9731940a81bfc6bac9

cordy-123 commented 11 months ago

(who was really trying to assign property to someone who was 5000 away before and just expecting it to work?)

Oh, it was quite the meta to use this exploit really.

It's been frequently used actually but only by the longtime pros who knew about it.

Once upon a time, this exploit was used quite often to pass gate to each other (even thru tutorial eves).

The leadership passing exploit was also used a bunch by people.

As you can see mod player's ingame names thru the mod, you could pass gate, leadership to anyone in the server really.

Of course, once again, only the ones who actually knew about the exploit actually used it.

And usually only rarely when absolutely needed.

It's actually not that needed or that useful if you're not a griefer. (Specific circumstances do make the exploit come in handy.)

But it's a very good exploit for griefers who want to wreck havoc.

cordy-123 commented 11 months ago


Here's proof (well, not proof proof, since you can't verify it) of Kilian being as he called it a "remote leader" ie. leader from a few million tiles (tutorial) or 20k tiles (dt was once 20k) away.

cordy-123 commented 11 months ago

More proof

Kilian: "just follow another family's leader, then everyone gets the same shitty leader ^^" https://discord.com/channels/328215300279500800/328215300279500800/869533123682140220

Kilian: "good game mechanics: donkey follows leader of a normal family; leader dies; donkey takes over leadership 🤡 🏚️" https://discord.com/channels/328215300279500800/328215300279500800/950789826221867108

Kilian: "been there, done that...as leader doing honeoffice from tutorual. is bad for towns' ability to fight griefers, though." https://discord.com/channels/328215300279500800/328215300279500800/1001576977679003759

Rukhmar commented 11 months ago

Hmm... do both parties have to be standing sufficiently close? You have to be standing w/in 20.... and the other person has to be within 5000.

It was always silent failure if you stood more than 20 away.

Now it's also silent failure if the other person is more than 5000 away.

I will still add some messages around this, but it doesn't feel like there was that dramatic of a change here (who was really trying to assign property to someone who was 5000 away before and just expecting it to work?)

Hmm, is it also possible to make the inheritance range for it smaller? 5000 is a long ways, and if someone is out that far, they probably aren't going to come back right away if someone taps on the gate. It sucks for highway workers or prebuilders when they purposely unfollow to not inherit leadership, but then they get the gate when they are doing far away work and the town suddenly can't access their kerosene. Or just give us a command like "I don't want it" next to a gate to remove us from inheritance.