jasonrohrer / OneLifeData7

data files for the game One Hour One Life
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Remove Curse Radius Formula #1221

Open Forman9 opened 1 month ago

Forman9 commented 1 month ago

The math has weird corner cases (towns close together) and is generally not effective.

It is enough that a curse name is branded above your head and you cannot birth to people who curse you. Families don't even have to feed babies if they are greifers.

An alternative solution would be to ban a player from birthing to a family if they have been exiled.

Or just rework the formula... because there are still multiple exploits (one of which you've already evidently tried to patch).

Rukhmar commented 1 month ago

It is hard as heck to get people to not feed a baby, even if explicitly told it is a bad person. Had one that spelled out the N word first thing, so told everyone to let him starve. They still fed him, and he goes around shouting the word repeatedly, stalking me and calling me a slave. Think he got 20 curses before we got a new leader to actually exile him to kill.

Banning from family for exile basically means nothing. Families won't last over a week with the update, a majority not even a day.

Curse is not perfect, but far better than this.

Forman9 commented 1 month ago

Had one that spelled out the N word first thing He goes around shouting the word repeatedly, stalking me and calling me a slave.

I know this won't be a popular opinion, but strictly speaking, I don't think this is greifing. It's not killing sheep, stealing things, luring bears, dropping boars or breaking things.

If racist words are indeed a problem, jason can mask those easily. It is also possible to program an ignore command to blot out speech a person doesn't like. Racism is pretty extreme but what people agree on as acceptable speech is always going to be subjective.

But these things are issues separate from the curse system. Cursing can't just be used as the catch-all sledge hammer tool to every problem. At best, that's just lazy.

You have to consider the situation from the reverse perspective, in which a greifer is trying to have a regular player exiled, or cursing, or trying to incite a mass curse event by lying.

If the greifer succeeds (it happens) worse case scenario the innocent party is booted from the family for a time. In the current system, the consequences are much more severe and they are permanent.

Rukhmar commented 1 month ago

Griefers have tried, but then the playerbase notices and curses them back harder before it can become a problem normally. The other day one kept lying about a friend of mine, calling her sus, but there was a lot of us there to tell her no, she is a good person and to stop it.

Maybe in tutorial along with the how to curse section, mention how severe they are, and to not curse lightly. Sometimes there is just random newbies that curse without thinking through the consequences. You always point out Tifa being in DT, yesterday I saw her get two curses, but it was from newbie twins. One was mad that Tifa took a rabbit she hunted to make a pie, the other just jumped on to curse since her twin did too. I have had a friend be cursed before for separating the soil into piles of 1, instead of tilling 2 stacked on each other. I have been cursed before because I built a sheep pen in a different place than they wanted it to be (even if I got all the materials myself).

If he is going to teach cursing in tutorial, we need to have more info about it so newbies don't just curse for mild annoyances. Or just leave it out and have their mom explain it to them when there is an actual situation where cursing is appropriate.

Forman9 commented 1 month ago

If he is going to teach cursing in tutorial, we need to have more info about it so newbies don't just curse for mild annoyances. Or just leave it out and have their mom explain it to them when there is an actual situation where cursing is appropriate.

I mean, you are kind of proving my point. I would only point out that educating people doesn't necessarily mean they are going to behave responsibly. The curse system is simply too severe mainly because it's permanent and also because it snowballs.

Keep the base system of not being able to be born to someone who curses you -- this is fine. If someone REALLY pisses off enough people, they probably will end up in donkey town anyway. Realize, the number of birth mothers is not always that large because of the age and gender factors.

Booting someone from a family, for either some period of time, or until the family dies, is far more reasonable. The amount of time could be according to some exponential formula and that would also be fine. Realize that, intrinsically, family booting comes with a 3 strike maximum (most often) at which point a player is permanently in donkey town until the time expires.

This even closes a number of loopholes in the curse system, many of which I have already mentioned.

If I'm being honest, I'd totally get rid of Donkey Town altogether and just allow those 'donkeys' to spawn as eve, say, 10k west. Or even an exponential distance relative to their curses or whatever. More eves, more families, more opportunities for people to play where they want to. Maybe there can be a tribe of racists off in the jungle somewhere, or maybe a tribe of berry munchers.

I've already pointed out, in some other issues, that donkeytown is basically not even playable. It's not fair to be throwing players out there willy nilly, especially when they may have done nothing wrong.