jasonross / Nuwa

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java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Class ref in pre-verified class resolved to unexpected implementation #39

Closed lvzhaohuaGG closed 8 years ago

lvzhaohuaGG commented 8 years ago

用到修改的类时一直报 java.lang.IllegalAccessError: Class ref in pre-verified class resolved to unexpected implementation 这个错误

YuFong commented 8 years ago

@lvzhaohuaGG throws掉就好

siyehua commented 8 years ago

@YuFong 怎么throws掉,我使用try catch还是不行

YuFong commented 8 years ago

@siyehua 直接在类(方法)后面throws异常,不用try catch(估计你也是包错了地方才会不行)