The processors argument is interpreted to mean two different things by LS-BSR. It is both the number of threads a program should use and the number of parallel processes to use.
processors used as number of threads a program should use, e.g. blast searches:
"-num_threads", str(processors),
And as number of parallel processes to run:
This means that if we want to cluster using 12 threads in vsearch we also wind up spawning 12 blast processes each with -num_threads set to 12 (A nominal 144 cores required). If run on a system with 12 threads available, the runtime of blast in (the current) 12 blastn x 12 threads is significantly slower than 12x (1 blastn x 12threads) because of contention.
Ideally this flag would be broken into -t (threads) and -p (processors) with -t being the per process thread count and -p taking on number of parallel processes to run.
Good point. I had blast only using a single processor, but changed the behavior when I switched over to blast+. I will change back to only a single processor in the next push. Thanks for noticing this.
argument is interpreted to mean two different things by LS-BSR. It is both the number of threads a program should use and the number of parallel processes to use.processors
used as number of threads a program should use, e.g. blast searches:And as number of parallel processes to run:
This means that if we want to cluster using 12 threads in vsearch we also wind up spawning 12 blast processes each with
set to 12 (A nominal 144 cores required). If run on a system with 12 threads available, the runtime of blast in (the current) 12 blastn x 12 threads is significantly slower than 12x (1 blastn x 12threads) because of contention.Ideally this flag would be broken into -t (threads) and -p (processors) with -t being the per process thread count and -p taking on number of parallel processes to run.