Closed panosru closed 4 years ago
MassTransit is great library for building microservices as well. I love it.
Twich stream is expried, it will be a good idea if anyone implement masstransit to template. Some events may come from masstransit directly and should be handeled by consumers.
Hello everyone,
Not much of an issue, mostly a question if there is an example of MassTransit Mediator implementation for this template.
I'm fairly new to .Net/C# and while I have successfully implemented MassTransit in my projects so far, I kind of stuck trying to modify DependecyInjection.cs file from Application layer to use Mediator from MassTransit instead of MediatR.
I find MassTransit easier to integrate with RabbitMQ which I use since 2009, that's why I'm trying to use it with this template as well.
Thanks in advance!
The author of MassTransit (@PhatBoyG) was kind enough to stream a video in Twitch (starting at 05:45) implementing MassTransit in CleanArchitecture template.