jasonwebb / Jar-of-Fireflies

Mason jar with interactive LEDs that mimic fireflies on a warm summer night, realized with an Arduino-enabled ATTiny85, multiple power options and a sensor interface.
14 stars 6 forks source link

Order PCBs and parts for newest board design for prototyping #5

Closed jasonwebb closed 6 years ago

jasonwebb commented 6 years ago

Once all the recent board design updates are done, I can go ahead and order a new round of PCBs for prototyping. Just need to refresh my knowledge of board house requirements (and fetch any new CAM presets), generate some Gerber files, and fill out the request. The last time I ordered boards I used SeeedStudio and found the boards to be great quality, low cost, and reasonably fast to fab and ship.

Once the boards are ordered I can also go ahead and order a couple batches of the parts from the BOM.

jasonwebb commented 6 years ago

10 PCBs (5 green, 5 blue) have been ordered from Seeed Studio! I've also ordered enough parts for 5 kits from DigiKey for prototyping.