Resources on the topic of digital morphogenesis (creating form with code). Includes links to major articles, code repos, creative projects, books, software, and more.
Grid definition = define an n dimensional grid with random gradient unit vectors at each grid intersection.
Dot product = for each grid cell, calculate an offset vector and a dot product for each of it's 2^n corners.
Offset vector = displacement (distance?) from this corner to the candidate point
Dot product = the dot product of the corner's gradient vector and its gradient vector
Interpolation = calculate a noise value for the candidate point by lerping it between the offset vector and dot product. This is what gives Perlin noise its characteristic organic look, since there is smooth continuity across grid cells.
Simplex noise = created and patented by Ken Perlin in 2011 to be an improvement with fewer artifacts and less computational time. Any legal limitations for commercial use?
OpenSimplex was independently created in order to get around the legal issues of simplex noise
Although there already is a section on Noise, I think Perlin noise is significant enough to be documented in more detail in a dedicated section.
dimensional grid with random gradient unit vectors at each grid intersection.2^n