jasp-stats / jasp-issues

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survival analysis Kaplan Meier and Cox Regression (Freq and Bayesian) #206

Open cgiannoulis opened 6 years ago

cgiannoulis commented 6 years ago

Template for bug reports

Template for enhancement requests

* Enhancement: * Purpose:
cgiannoulis commented 6 years ago

Please make sure this is in your priority list... it will increase the usage of the tool.

EJWagenmakers commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Yes I agree these are very important.

TolgaMD commented 5 years ago

Hello. I've recently noticed that we still don't have survival tables or KM analysis/proportional hazards on JASP. I'm VERY hopeful that JASP could solve my never-ending quest for a free and reliable biostatistics package, and I've indeed started sending papers to journals in which I've done analyses using JASP. I believe this is a super-important feature for those using this software for medical research, and I'd be glad if u can prioritize this topic.

EJWagenmakers commented 5 years ago

Yes, this is on our agenda, and we'll prioritize this. @jstbcs, maybe something we can discuss... E.J.

srkesler commented 4 years ago

Am having students in my graduate stats courses use JASP but have to teach them KM and Cox PH in another software....hopefully this is added soon, thanks!

jsessim commented 4 years ago

I would love JASP even more if we have this type of Survival Analysis too. Thanks!

ilariagnd commented 3 years ago

This year I will teach basic introductory medical statistics using JASP. It would be really great to have a tool for survival analysis. Many thanks!

RaoVNV commented 3 years ago

Agree with fellow commenters. The only reason I'm not using JASP is because I teach survival analysis, and I only want my students to have to learn one software. Looking forward to the day that JASP can do KM curves and PH regression.

FBartos commented 3 years ago

I can completely understand that.

The good thing is that I will start implementing these analyses in a couple of weeks and even though they won't make it into the upcoming release, I'm confident that they will be in the next one!

tomtomme commented 2 years ago

any update on this?

EJWagenmakers commented 2 years ago

Lots of work has been done behind the scenes!

boutinb commented 2 years ago

@FBartos Can you give some updates?

FBartos commented 2 years ago

We are about to preprint a paper in which we develop the Bayesian parametric survival models that we will later implement in the module, including the frequentist counterparts.

Ermannotrusacani commented 2 years ago

Any news on this? I'd love to use only Jasp for my scientific paper

EJWagenmakers commented 2 years ago

@FBartos ? :-)

FBartos commented 2 years ago

The frequentist versions of KM, Cox, and parametric survival models will make it to JASP soon (not the next release, as it will contain only core functionality, but should be able to finish it for the following one). The Bayesian counterparts will unfortunately take a bit longer.

nancyluna commented 1 year ago

Any news on this? I'd love to use only Jasp for my scientific paper

EJWagenmakers commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the reminder. Frantisek, can you provide an estimate for when this will be included? Cheers EJ

StevenWallaert commented 12 months ago

We are looking forward to the support of survival analyses so that we can recommend JASP to our students :)

EJWagenmakers commented 12 months ago

I am looking forward to it as well. @FBartos should we make a concrete roadmap?

FBartos commented 11 months ago

I'm confident that we will have non-parametric and semiparametric survival in the next release.

The non-parametric is mostly done, i.e., see screenshot for the current progress, but there is still more to be done on the Cox PH model.


FBartos commented 9 months ago

The non-parametric implementation is gonna be as a beta analysis in the upcoming version, the semiparametric will end up taking one more release.

jdjhjdjh commented 1 month ago

Could you give a time frame for Cox PH? Would love to switch to JASP, but need ability for more indepth survival analysis. Thanks

FBartos commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, we will have the Cox PH for the next release (it might not have all the functionality, but we will improve it over time as feature suggestions roll in!)

Cheers, Frantisek