jasp-stats / jasp-issues

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[Feature Request]: Chi Square test - Compare column proportions (z-test) + adjust p-values (Bonferroni method) #2757

Open JaspBoy opened 3 weeks ago

JaspBoy commented 3 weeks ago


Chi Square test - Compare column proportions (z-test)


To compare column proportions to see is there statistical difference instead of relying on subjective evaluation


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Add above requested feature. Thank you!

Describe alternatives that you have considered

SPSS program

Additional context

SPSS has above requested feature. Also it marks different colums with different subscripts to easily mark the difference. That would be also nice addition to have. Pictures below.

Picture 1


TarandeepKang commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, just to say that I really like the idea of the post-hoc test here. I don't know if it's the exact same implementation currently available in SPSS, but the one I've used in R is based on this:

Beasley, T. M., & Schumacker, R. E. (1995). Multiple Regression Approach to Analyzing Contingency Tables: Post Hoc and Planned Comparison Procedures. The Journal of Experimental Education, 64(1), 79–93. https://doi.org/10.1080/00220973.1995.9943797

in the chisq.posthoc.test package



EJWagenmakers commented 3 weeks ago

Frantisek has some external motivatie to work on Frequencies I believe