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[Bug]: .JASP file does not open after update to 0.18.3 #2768

Closed z3r0c001MD closed 2 weeks ago

z3r0c001MD commented 2 weeks ago

JASP Version


Commit ID

No response

JASP Module


What analysis are you seeing the problem on?

No response

What OS are you seeing the problem on?

Windows 10

Bug Description

After saving the .jasp data file I can't open it anymore. It worked fine and suddenly I get an error right at the end of loading the database saying: unable to open file because: Entry 'resources/8/_0_t-622283608.png' has zero bytes data...

Please see attached image and .jasp file. I've updated to the 0.18.3 version recently, the original .jasp file was created on 0.17.3 earlier but I opened it after the update, made changes and saved a couple of times without issues... What I've noticed it that the analysis some plots did not appear but after I uncheck/ checked the plots and scatterplots options it generated them back.

The last thing I did before the error appeared is to export the results into an html file.

UPDADE: After making a zip file I was able to VIEW FILE and open the folders from inside the jasp file, and navigating the resources folder I've deleted all 0 bytes .png files from those subfolders. After That It worked! Hope this helps!

JASP error bug

Expected Behaviour

The file should open

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open jasp file
  2. at the end of loading the file I get the error

Log (if any)

No response

Final Checklist

tomtomme commented 2 weeks ago

Thx for the report! Good to know how this can be fixed!

boutinb commented 2 weeks ago

Yes, but still really strange these empty png files...