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[Feature request]: Add nested random effects on Mixed Models #2779

Open qymera0 opened 1 week ago

qymera0 commented 1 week ago


It would be interesting if we could specify a nested hierarchical structure to random effects at all Mixed Modes platform, the same way lme4 allows.


Increase the flexibility of different model structures.


I have a case where two random components exists: batches and parts from batches. I would like to specify a model where the parts are nested within batches.

Is your feature request related to a problem?


Is your feature request related to a JASP module?

Mixed Models

Describe the solution you would like

Allow specify the models like this: y ~ x + (1 | z) + (1 | w : z)

Describe alternatives that you have considered

I tried to manually change the formula at R console, but when I hit ctrl + enter, it gives me an error.

Additional context
