Closed jdebeer2005 closed 6 months ago
I know the answer. I had 3 species of fish, and 7 precookers, with like 10,000 line of data for each data set. I ran a contingency table of Precookers versus fish. and in one cell I was missing any data. I took some other data and modified it so I had data for that cell, and the analysis worked. So JASP apparently cannot handle missing data, in a computed ?? cell.
Hi @jdebeer2005,
thank you for your report and enclosed file that reproduces your issue.
Indeed, what you are dealing with is a 3x7 ANOVA with one of the 21 design cells having zero observations. I am afraid you cannot use this analysis for this data, as ANOVA cannot deal with such a design - this is not a bug in our software but a problem of not having unique solutions for the underlying calculations.
However, it is clear that JASP should report an informative error message that would reveal this problem immidiately, instead of wasting your time by investigating through contingency tables what is the issue.
@JohnnyDoorn I can add more informative error message, but I am not sure where to catch this the most efficiently. Let me know if you are willing to do it yourself, as it will probably take less time to figure it out :)
Thank you sir. Very helpful.
So the next question, will this data set work with a General Linear Model. That will essentially give me the same answer.
Thanks so much.
From: Simon Kucharsky Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 3:36 AM To: jasp-stats/jasp-issues Cc: jdebeer2005; Mention Subject: Re: [jasp-stats/jasp-issues] ANOVA issues (#725)
Hi @jdebeer2005 ,
thank you for your report and enclosed file that reproduces your issue.
Indeed, what you are dealing with is a 3x7 ANOVA with one of the 21 design cells having zero observations. I am afraid you cannot use this analysis for this data, as ANOVA cannot deal with such a design - this is not a bug in our software but a problem of not having unique solutions for the underlying calculations.
However, it is clear that JASP should report an informative error message that would reveal this problem immidiately, instead of wasting your time by investigating through contingency tables what is the issue.
@JohnnyDoorn I can add more informative error message, but I am not sure where to catch this the most efficiently. Let me know if you are willing to do it yourself, as it will probably take less time to figure it out :)
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@Kucharssim & @JohnnyDoorn Loading that data file needed 5 minutes... but I still can reproduce the uninformative error message with jasp 0.19 beta
@jdebeer2005 Using the GLM (the linear regression module) worked fine in my short test. The precooker 2V variable with n=0 is then shown with p=1 as expected. Also adding the interaction between precooker and species works fine.
@tomtomme can you share your jasp file with the error? For me the original jasp file (also after reloading) works fine.
I used the original file. I then put in the vars like described in the first post. But now with the newest 0.19 beta there is an informative error message! So I consider this fixed :D
@jdebeer2005 as always, please reopen if not fixed on your side!
I see now - the error is too strict though, and the analysis just needs to be rerun with a different type of SS because of 1 empty cell in the design. Im looking into making it more lenient now.
FYI @jdebeer2005 - The issue here is an empty cell in the interaction (2V - BE), so removing the interaction effect, or adding an observation for that cell, is a workaround to the issue. (and sorry for the big delay, this probably comes way too late..)
Thanks very much
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 20, 2024, at 7:02 AM, Johnny van Doorn @.***> wrote:
FYI @jdebeer2005 - The issue here is an empty cell in the interaction (2V - BE), so removing the interaction effect, or adding an observation for that cell, is a workaround to the issue.
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Tested with current 0.19 beta. Still an issue, when interaction term is not removed:
This analysis terminated unexpectedly.
Error in (function (object, at, cov.reduce = mean, cov.keep = get_emm_option('cov.keep'), : Can't handle an object of class “NULL”
Use help('models', package = 'emmeans') for information on supported models.
Stack trace
analysis(jaspResults = jaspResults, dataset = dataset, options = options)
AncovaInternal(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options)
.anovaPostHocTableCollection(anovaContainer, dataset, options, ready)
.anovaPostHocTable(postHocContainer, dataset, options, anovaContainer[['model']]$object)
emmeans::lsmeans(model, postHocVariablesListV)
.emwrap(emmeans, subst = 'ls', ...)
emmfcn(...), args)
(function (object, at, cov.reduce = mean, cov.keep = get_emm_option('cov.keep'), mult.names, mult.levs, options = get_emm_option('ref_grid'), data, df, type, regrid, nesting, offset, sigma, counterfactuals, wt.counter, avg.counter = TRUE, nuisance = character(0), non.nuisance, wt.nuis = 'equal', rg.limit = get_emm_option('rg.limit'), ...)
.foo = function(t, tr, tra, tran, transform = NULL, ...) transform
.bar = .foo(...)
if (!is.null(.bar)) {
regrid = .bar
message('In 'ref_grid()', use 'regrid = ...' rather than 'transform = ...' ', 'to avoid this message.')
if (!missing(df)) {
if (is.null(options))
options = list()
options$df = df
if (missing(data)) {
data = try(recover_data(object, data = NULL, ...))
if (inherits(data, 'try-error'))
stop('Perhaps a 'data' or 'params' argument is needed')
else if (is.null(options$delts))
data = recover_data(object, data =, ...)
if (is.character(data))
if (!is.null(options$
trms = attr(data, 'terms')
coerced = .find.coerced(trms, data)
sort.unique = function(x) sort(unique(x))
if (is.null(cov.keep))
cov.keep = character(0)
cov.thresh = max(c(1, suppressWarnings(as.integer(cov.keep))), na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.logical(cov.reduce)) {
if (!cov.reduce)
cov.thresh = 99
cov.reduce = mean
dep.x = list() = function(cvr) {
if (inherits(cvr, 'formula')) {
if (length(cvr) < 3)
stop('Formulas in 'cov.reduce' must be two-sided')
lhs = .all.vars(cvr)[1]
dep.x[[lhs]] <<- cvr
cvr = mean
else if (!inherits(cvr, c('function', 'list')))
stop('Invalid 'cov.reduce' argument')
if (is.list(cov.reduce))
cov.reduce = lapply(cov.reduce,
else cov.reduce =
if (!missing(at))
for (xnm in names(at)) dep.x[[xnm]] = NULL
cr = function(x, nm) {
if (is.function(cov.reduce))
else if (hasName(cov.reduce, nm))
else mean(x)
ref.levels = matlevs = xlev = chrlev = list()
for (nm in attr(data, 'responses')) {
y = data[[nm]]
if (is.matrix(y))
matlevs[[nm]] = apply(y, 2, mean)
else ref.levels[[nm]] = mean(y)
for (nm in attr(data, 'predictors')) {
x = data[[nm]]
if (is.matrix(x) && ncol(x) = 1)
x = as.numeric(x)
if (is.factor(x) && !(nm %in% coerced$covariates))
xlev[[nm]] = levels(factor(x))
else if (is.character(x))
xlev[[nm]] = sort(unique(x))
if (!(nm %in% coerced$factors) && !missing(at) && (hasName(at, nm)))
ref.levels[[nm]] = at[[nm]]
else if (is.factor(x) && !(nm %in% coerced$covariates))
ref.levels[[nm]] = levels(factor(x))
else if (is.character(x) || is.logical(x))
ref.levels[[nm]] = chrlev[[nm]] = sort.unique(x)
else if (is.matrix(x)) {
matlevs[[nm]] = apply(x, 2, cr, nm)
if (is.matrix(matlevs[[nm]]))
matlevs[[nm]] = apply(matlevs[[nm]], 2, mean)
else {
if (nm %in% coerced$factors)
ref.levels[[nm]] = sort.unique(x)
else {
if ((length(uval <- sort.unique(x)) > cov.thresh) && !(nm %in% cov.keep))
ref.levels[[nm]] = cr(as.numeric(x), nm)
else {
ref.levels[[nm]] = uval
cov.keep = c(cov.keep, nm)
if (!missing(non.nuisance))
nuisance = setdiff(names(ref.levels), non.nuisance)
if (no.nuis <- (length(nuisance) = 0)) {
if (!missing(counterfactuals)) {
cfac = intersect(counterfactuals, names(ref.levels))
ref.levels = ref.levels[cfac]
ref.levels$ = seq_len(nrow(data))
.check.grid(ref.levels, rg.limit)
grid =, data)
else {
.check.grid(ref.levels, rg.limit)
grid =, ref.levels)
else { = .setup.nuis(nuisance, ref.levels, trms, rg.limit)
grid =$grid
if (!is.null(delts <- options$delts)) {
var = options$var
n.orig = nrow(grid)
grid = grid[rep(seq_len(n.orig), length(delts)), , drop = FALSE]
options$var = options$delts = NULL
for (nm in names(matlevs)) {
tmp = matrix(rep(matlevs[[nm]], each = nrow(grid)), nrow = nrow(grid))
dimnames(tmp) = list(NULL, names(matlevs[[nm]]))
grid[[nm]] = tmp
for (xnm in names(dep.x)) {
if ((xnm %in% c('ext', 'extern', 'external')) && !(xnm %in% names(grid))) {
fun = get(as.character(dep.x[[xnm]][[3]]), inherits = TRUE)
rslts = fun(grid)
for (nm in intersect(names(rslts), names(grid))) {
grid[[nm]] = rslts[[nm]]
ref.levels[[nm]] = NULL
else if (!all(.all.vars(dep.x[[xnm]]) %in% names(grid)))
stop('Formulas in 'cov.reduce' must predict covariates actually in the model')
else {
xmod = lm(dep.x[[xnm]], data = data)
grid[[xnm]] = predict(xmod, newdata = grid)
ref.levels[[xnm]] = NULL
if (!is.null(delts))
grid[[var]] = grid[[var]] + rep(delts, each = n.orig)
if (!is.null(attr(data, '')))
attr(object, 'data') = data
xl = xlev
modnm = rownames(attr(trms, 'factors'))
chk = sapply(modnm, function(mn) mn %in% names(xl))
for (i in which(!chk)) {
fn = all.vars(reformulate(modnm[i]))
if (length(fn) = 1)
names(xl)[names(xl) = fn] = modnm[i]
basis = emm_basis(object, trms, xl, grid, misc = attr(data, 'misc'), options = options, ...)
environment(basis$dffun) = baseenv()
if (length(basis$bhat) ≠ ncol(basis$X))
stop('Something went wrong:n', ' Non-conformable elements in reference grid.', call. = TRUE)
collapse = NULL
if (!missing(counterfactuals)) {
grid =, ref.levels)
if (missing(regrid))
regrid = 'response'
if (avg.counter)
collapse = ''
if (!no.nuis) {
basis = .basis.nuis(basis,, wt.nuis, ref.levels, data, grid, ref.levels)
grid = basis$grid
nuisance = ref.levels[$nuis]
ref.levels = basis$ref.levels
misc = basis$misc
frm = try(formula(eval(attr(data, 'call')[[2]])), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(frm, 'formula')) {
lhs = if (length(frm) = 2)
else frm[-3]
tran = setdiff(.all.vars(lhs, functions = TRUE), c(.all.vars(lhs), '~', 'cbind', '+', '-', '*', '/', '^', '%%', '%/%'))
if (length(tran) > 0) {
if (tran[1] %in% c('scale', 'center', 'centre', 'standardize', 'standardise')) {
pv = try(attr(terms(object), 'predvars'), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(pv, 'try-error') && !is.null(pv)) {
scal = which(sapply(c(sapply(pv, as.character), 'foo'), function(x) x[1]) = tran[1])
if (length(scal) > 0) {
pv = pv[[scal[1]]]
ctr = ifelse(is.null(pv$center), 0, ifelse(pv$center, pv$center, 0))
scl = ifelse(is.null(pv$scale), 1, ifelse(pv$scale, pv$scale, 1))
tran = make.tran('scale', y = 0, center = ctr, scale = scl)
if (is.character(tran)) {
tran = NULL
message('NOTE: Unable to recover scale() parameters. See '? make.tran'')
else if (tran[1] = 'linkfun')
tran = as.list(environment(trms))[c('linkfun', 'linkinv', 'mu.eta', 'valideta', 'name')]
else {
if (tran[1] = 'I')
tran = 'identity'
tran = paste(tran, collapse = '.')
const.warn = 'There are unevaluated constants in the response formulanAuto-detection of the response transformation may be incorrect'
tst = strsplit(strsplit(as.character(lhs[2]), '(')[[1]][1], '*')[[1]]
if (length(tst) > 1) {
mul = try(eval(parse(text = tst[1])), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(mul, 'try-error')) {
misc$tran.mult = mul
tran = gsub('*.', '', tran)
else warning(const.warn)
tst = strsplit(as.character(lhs[2]), '(|)|+')[[1]]
if (length(tst) > 2) {
const = try(eval(parse(text = tst[3])), silent = TRUE)
if (!inherits(const, 'try-error') && (length(tst) = 3))
misc$tran.offset = const
else warning(const.warn)
if (is.null(misc[['tran']]))
misc$tran = tran
else misc$tran2 = tran
misc$inv.lbl = 'response'
multresp = character(0)
ylevs = misc$ylevs
if (!is.null(ylevs)) {
if (missing(mult.levs))
mult.levs = ylevs
if (!missing(mult.names)) {
k = seq_len(min(length(ylevs), length(mult.names)))
names(mult.levs)[k] = mult.names[k]
if (length(ylevs) > 1)
ylevs = list(seq_len(prod(sapply(mult.levs, length))))
k = prod(sapply(mult.levs, length))
if (k ≠ length(ylevs[[1]]))
stop('supplied 'mult.levs' is of different length ', 'than that of multivariate response')
for (nm in names(mult.levs)) ref.levels[[nm]] = mult.levs[[nm]]
multresp = names(mult.levs)
MF ='expand.grid', mult.levs)
grid = merge(grid, MF)
for (nm in names(matlevs)) grid[[nm]] = matrix(rep(matlevs[[nm]], each = nrow(grid)), nrow = nrow(grid))
problems = if (!missing(at))
intersect(c(multresp, coerced$factors), names(at))
else character(0)
if (length(problems) > 0) {
incl.flags = rep(TRUE, nrow(grid))
for (nm in problems) {
if (is.numeric(ref.levels[[nm]])) {
dig = 3 - log10(max(abs(ref.levels[[nm]])))
at[[nm]] = round(at[[nm]], digits = dig)
ref.levels[[nm]] = round(ref.levels[[nm]], digits = dig)
grid[[nm]] = round(grid[[nm]], digits = dig)
at[[nm]] = ref.levels[[nm]] = at[[nm]][at[[nm]] %in% ref.levels[[nm]]]
rows = numeric(0)
for (x in at[[nm]]) rows = c(rows, which(grid[[nm]] = x))
grid = grid[rows, , drop = FALSE]
grid[[nm]] = factor(grid[[nm]], levels = at[[nm]])
basis$X = basis$X[rows, , drop = FALSE]
om = ifelse(is.null(misc$offset.mult), 1, misc$offset.mult)
oval = 0
if (!missing(offset)) {
if (offset[1] ≠ 0)
oval = offset[1]
else {
if ('.static.offset.' %in% names(grid)) {
oval = om * grid[['.static.offset.']]
if (!is.null(attr(trms, 'offset'))) {
if (any(om ≠ 0))
oval = om * (oval + .get.offset(trms, grid))
if (any(oval ≠ 0))
grid[['.offset.']] = oval
if (!hasName(data, '(weights)'))
data[['(weights)']] = 1
cov.keep = intersect(unique(cov.keep), names(ref.levels))
nms = union(union(union(names(xlev), names(chrlev)), coerced$factors), cov.keep)
nms = intersect(nms, names(grid))
if (length(nms) = 0)
wgt = rep(1, nrow(grid))
else {
id =[, nms, drop = FALSE])
uid = !duplicated(id)
key =, unname(data[uid, nms, drop = FALSE]))
key = key[order(id[uid])]
tgt =, unname(grid[, nms, drop = FALSE]))
wgt = rep(0, nrow(grid))
for (i in seq_along(key)) wgt[tgt = key[i]] = sum(data[['(weights)']][id = i])
grid[['.wgt.']] = wgt = list(call = attr(data, 'call'), terms = trms, xlev = xlev)
if (!is.null(mm <- basis$model.matrix)) {
attr(mm, 'factors') = .smpFT(trms)$model.matrix = mm
nst = .find_nests(grid, trms, coerced$orig, ref.levels)
if (length(nst) > 0)$nesting = nst
misc$ = TRUE
misc$ylevs = NULL
misc$estName = 'prediction'
misc$estType = 'prediction'
misc$infer = c(FALSE, FALSE)
misc$level = 0.95
misc$adjust = 'none'
misc$famSize = nrow(grid)
if (is.null(misc$avgd.over))
misc$avgd.over = character(0)
if (is.null(misc$sigma) && missing(sigma)) {
sigma = suppressWarnings(try(stats::sigma(object), silent = TRUE))
if (inherits(sigma, 'try-error'))
sigma = NULL
misc$sigma = sigma
if (is.null(misc$sigma) || (length(misc$sigma) = 0) || !$sigma[1]))
misc$sigma = sigma
post.beta = basis$post.beta
if (is.null(post.beta))
post.beta = matrix(NA)
predictors = intersect(attr(data, 'predictors'), names(grid))
if (!missing(counterfactuals))
predictors = c(predictors, '')
simp.tbl = environment(trms)$.simplify.names.
if (!is.null(simp.tbl)) {
names(grid) = .simplify.names(names(grid), simp.tbl)
predictors = .simplify.names(predictors, simp.tbl)
names(ref.levels) = .simplify.names(names(ref.levels), simp.tbl)
if (!is.null(post.beta))
names(post.beta) = .simplify.names(names(post.beta), simp.tbl)
if (!is.null($nesting)) {$nesting = lapply($nesting, .simplify.names, simp.tbl)
names($nesting) = .simplify.names(names($nesting), simp.tbl)
environment(trms)$.simplify.names. = NULL
result = new('emmGrid', =, roles = list(predictors = predictors, responses = attr(data, 'responses'), multresp = multresp, nuisance = nuisance), grid = grid, levels = ref.levels, matlevs = matlevs, linfct = basis$X, bhat = basis$bhat, nbasis = basis$nbasis, V = basis$V, dffun = basis$dffun, dfargs = basis$dfargs, misc = misc, post.beta = post.beta)
if (!missing(type)) {
if (is.null(options))
options = list()
options$predict.type = type
if (!missing(nesting)) {$nesting = lst = .parse_nest(nesting)
if (!is.null(lst)) {
nms = union(names(lst), unlist(lst))
if (!all(nms %in% names(result@grid)))
stop('Nonexistent variables specified in 'nesting'')
result@misc$display = .find.nonempty.nests(result, nms)
else if (!is.null(nst <-$nesting)) {
result@misc$display = .find.nonempty.nests(result)
if (get_emm_option('msg.nesting'))
message('NOTE: A nesting structure was detected in the ', 'fitted model:n ', .fmt.nest(nst))
result = .update.options(result, options, ...)
if (!is.null(hook <- misc$postGridHook)) {
if (is.character(hook))
hook = get(hook)
result@misc$postGridHook = NULL
result = hook(result, ...)
if (!missing(regrid)) {
if (missing(wt.counter))
wt.counter = 1
result = regrid(result, transform = regrid, sigma = sigma, .collapse = collapse, wt.counter = wt.counter, ...)
if (!is.null(collapse))
result@misc$avgd.over = collapse
})(object = NULL, wt.nuis = 'equal')
To receive assistance with this problem, please report the message above at:
Error in ref_grid(object, ...): Can't handle an object of class 'NULL' Use help('models', package = 'emmeans') for information on supported models.
Stack trace withCallingHandlers(expr = analysis(jaspResults = jaspResults, dataset = dataset, options = options), error = .addStackTrace)
analysis(jaspResults = jaspResults, dataset = dataset, options = options)
Ancova(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options)
.anovaPostHocTableCollection(anovaContainer, dataset, options, ready)
.anovaPostHocTable(postHocContainer, dataset, options, anovaContainer[['model']]$object)
emmeans::lsmeans(model, postHocVariablesListV)
.emwrap(emmeans, subst = 'ls', ...)
ref_grid(object, ...)
To receive assistance with this problem, please report the message above at:
Steps to reproduce:
This works on other files
Eurofish - 2020