Understand how to design and execute a frontend application given ambiguous
requirements by a client.
Understand how all of the pieces of Backbone fit together to create a dynamic
frontend application.
Performance Objectives
After completing this assignment, you should be able to:
Create wireframes, user stories, a domain model, and a outline of objects
needed as part of the planning process when making a complex frontend
Execute client requirements to make a complete application.
A repo containing at least:
No JSHint warnings or errors
Normal Mode
A "client" has approached you and asked you to help them build a web presence.
They are a local Thai restaurant called Majestic Thai. They don't know anything
about the Internet, but they know they need a web page. They want an interactive
menu that displays all of their food choices with prices, descriptions, etc.
They also want the customer to be able to select menu items and create an order
with a total price. When the user saves the order, it should create a new item
on the backend so that the kitchen can process the order. The rest is open
ended, so feel free to add any additional functionality you want.
Create a Backbone.js app, using Parse as a backend, to create a dynamically
updating menu page. See Additional Resources for an example.
Hard Mode
Create another page (e.g. admin.html) that gives the owner the ability to view
the orders and "complete" them.
Using Backbone's built in validation,
create a modal contact form that validates the input and saves the information
to a contact list.
Using Parse authentication, make the user log in to view the admin page.
A dynamic restaurant page
Learning Objectives
After completing this assignment, you should:
Performance Objectives
After completing this assignment, you should be able to:
Normal Mode
A "client" has approached you and asked you to help them build a web presence. They are a local Thai restaurant called Majestic Thai. They don't know anything about the Internet, but they know they need a web page. They want an interactive menu that displays all of their food choices with prices, descriptions, etc. They also want the customer to be able to select menu items and create an order with a total price. When the user saves the order, it should create a new item on the backend so that the kitchen can process the order. The rest is open ended, so feel free to add any additional functionality you want.
Create a Backbone.js app, using Parse as a backend, to create a dynamically updating menu page. See Additional Resources for an example.
Hard Mode
Additional Resources