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Client code for Jasper voice computing platform
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Jasper help phonetisaurus #581

Open Alex2517 opened 7 years ago

Alex2517 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I'm a total noob and need help installing Jasper on my Raspberry Pi.

I've tried several walkthroughs, including the one on the Jasper github site, and run into so many problems every time.

I've got to the stage of running jasper, and this(these) errors come up:

Alex2517 commented 7 years ago

Sorry, I don't know how you do the fancy boxes with the code in! Any help would be massively appreciated. This is my 5th attempt now at setting up Jasper. Thanks for your time guys.

Step by step guidance is very much appreciated, I don't have much knowledge, but really want to learn.

Alex2517 commented 7 years ago

The file is on the pi somewhere, as I used the "find" command and it showed up, but I don't know where it is and where it needs to be, otherwise I'd try and move it! :)

StephaneRenouard commented 7 years ago

'Got the same, i'm working on it. Since I have clues, i'll come back.

Alex2517 commented 7 years ago

Awesome, thanks and good luck!

StephaneRenouard commented 7 years ago

ok, it's working now. First of all, you have to know that i'm working on a C.H.I.P. board and debian. I follow the tutorial to install Jasper and assume that you did the same.

I did : wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/kfht75czdwucni1/g014b2b.tgz tar -xvf g014b2b.tgz

Build Phonetisaurus model:

cd g014b2b/ ./compile-fst.sh cd ..

Finally, rename the following folder for convenience:

mv ~/g014b2b ~/phonetisaurus

The last point is not an option !!!! Jasper is looking for this file on the ~/phonetisaurus/ dir. You should move your g014b2b.fst file into this freshly created dir.

As my config file is pointing elsewhere (/home/chip/anotherplace../g014b2b.fst), jasper seems to ignore it.

Maybe I'll have a close look at the source code for this, but moving the file to the required place seems to work (at least, for me).

ghost commented 7 years ago

That is included on my image btw. Please add any suggestions to the v1.6 image room in slack or the forums.

Alex2517 commented 7 years ago

Thanks Steph and Matt.

could you help me out with the syntax for the command line.

Where you say to "build the phonetisaurus model" does the change directory command have to have a line break in it like how you have written it?

Also, I get confused when folder paths have /./ or ~/ or /../ etc in them. are these symbols representing additional folder levels? or do you literally type in those dots and wavy lines?

For this reason, it is still not clear to me where Jasper is looking for it

For example, I did place the file into the Jasper folder, but as the path is searching for it here:


I'm not sure if /../ is a particular folder path? or additional folder levels?

As mentioned, I am a total NOOB so please forgive my novice command line knowledge!

No comment can be too patronising for me, the more idiot-proof the better!

Matt, where might I find your image? (is it a Jasper image, or a Rasbian one?)

jngreene commented 7 years ago

The root problem is if you try and use a current github pull of Phonetisaurus (when you discovered the jasper install walkthrough link to the tgz is a 404 not found) the binary phonetisaurus-g2p is no longer created by the build process. instead is has phonetisaurus-g2pfst (which does not accept the --input command line option or seem to have an equivalent) and phonetisaurus-g2prnn ... so basically Phonetisaurus changed how they do things and left Jasper in a lurch

Alex2517 commented 7 years ago

Ah, I see. Yes I did get the 404 and found it elsewhere. So is there a way around it using the new phonenetisaurus biz, or can I get an older build from somewhere?

Thanks for your time and advice :)

jngreene commented 7 years ago

I do not yet know.. I'm a troubleshooter by trade.. so I'll find an answer, but have not as yet determined it. I'll post once I've mapped a resolution to this issue.

jngreene commented 7 years ago

Ok update so far. Phonetisaurus 0.8 will not compile against OpenFST 1.4 or newer as OpenFST change a number of things breaking calls relied upon by Phonetisaurus. The author of Phonetisaurus has done some work on updating, but this necessitated a significant method change resulting in different binaries (multiple binaries to handle different standards) which means that using Jasper as is will require using significantly out of date versions of OpenFST (1.3 or older) and Phonetisaurus (0.8 archive links can be found on https://code.google.com/archive/p/phonetisaurus/ ). I'm fighting the good fight and working on a wrapper to bridge the gap.. I expect some pain as I'm swimming a bit out of my depth on this, but the author of Phonetisaurus appears to be a very responsive and helpful person, so I have high hopes.

Alex2517 commented 7 years ago

Awesome. if you're out of your depth, I drowned ages ago haha! Good luck with the fight, I'll try and bodge it to work with an older version.


bronco92 commented 7 years ago

Did someone actually resolve the issue here? I really need help with this!

G10DRAS commented 7 years ago

Lets try this pkg: https://github.com/G10DRAS/Raspbian-Pkgs/blob/master/phonetisaurus-_0.8-1_armhf.deb

sudo dpkg -i phonetisaurus-_0.8-1_armhf.deb

lucaskapobassis commented 5 years ago

I just used this website to download it and do the bit where he says instead of:

lucaskapobassis commented 5 years ago


Alex2517 commented 5 years ago

Thanks Z, I'll give that approach a go :)