I'm writing an application for surveys that allows a dynamic list of questions, but I want to allow the possible answers to be unique for each question.
When I pull my list of questions out of the database, they are of this type:
data Question = Question
{ question :: Text
, answers :: [Text]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
When the form is submitted, I only need to know the provided answer for each question, so my ideal form would look something like this:
questionForm' :: Monad m => Maybe Question -> Form Text m (Text, Text)
questionForm' q = ( , )
<$> "question" .: text (question <$> q)
<*> "answer" .: choiceWith choices Nothing
toChoice x = (x, (x, x))
choices = maybe [] (map toChoice . answers) q
Due to the Formlet (Maybe a -> Form v m a) requirement for listOf, this is not allowed. I created a copy of the function with a less restrictive type signature that allows for Maybe a -> Form v m b forms, and it appears to work:
listOf' :: (Monad m, Monoid v)
=> (Maybe a -> Form v m b)
-> (Maybe [a] -> Form v m [b])
listOf' single def =
List (fmap single defList) (indicesRef .: listIndices ixs)
ixs = case def of
Nothing -> [0]
Just xs -> [0 .. length xs - 1]
defList = DefaultList Nothing $ maybe [] (map Just) def
Is there a good reason to keep the current, more restrictive type signature that I'm not aware of?
I'm writing an application for surveys that allows a dynamic list of questions, but I want to allow the possible answers to be unique for each question.
When I pull my list of questions out of the database, they are of this type:
When the form is submitted, I only need to know the provided answer for each question, so my ideal form would look something like this:
Due to the Formlet (
Maybe a -> Form v m a
) requirement for listOf, this is not allowed. I created a copy of the function with a less restrictive type signature that allows forMaybe a -> Form v m b
forms, and it appears to work:Is there a good reason to keep the current, more restrictive type signature that I'm not aware of?