jaspervdj / number-six

Number Six is a Haskell IRC bot.
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!insult plugin #9

Closed mdelbar closed 12 years ago

mdelbar commented 12 years ago

Please create a plugin to hurl insults from the insult poster (http://i.imgur.com/9FNg2.jpg) at people

Example: !insult mdelbar --> "mdelbar, your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries"

jaspervdj commented 12 years ago

Could you convert it to some other format, like .txt, one insult per line?

mdelbar commented 12 years ago

I can. I don't see a way to upload files here, so this will have to do:

you look like your face was on fire and somebody tried to put it out with a fork fart smeller I can't tell if I'm talking to your face or your asshole dickweed buttpirate douchenozzle bitch dick jackass turtledick shut your cockholster fudgepacker I think you'd be in hufflepuff wanker dumbshit suck a bag of dicks before I met you I was pro-life shitbag mouth breather I hope something you love catches on fire pissant if you die, I'm not going to your funeral if you were any less intelligent I would have to water you twice a week you look like a before picture your mother has two cunts and you're one of them dumbass you're not very nice and I don't like you son of a bitch shithead how appropriate, you fight like a cow calling you stupid is an insult to stupid people twat your mother fucks for bricks so she can build your sister a whore house fuckface horsefucker everyone who ever loved you was wrong ho bag you are a sad, lonely little man, and you have my pity why don't you go outside and play hide-and-go-fuck-yourself? clitsquiggle puff dickhead douche canoe asshat you're about as useful as Anne Frank's drum kit you have the most depressing smile cocksucker dipshit pussy your muff is cabbage you sir, are unremarkable and unmemorable in every respect cum dumpster niggerfaggot ball licker thundercunt you're not pretty enough to be this much of a bitch I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man gaywad skank bastard with a face like yours, I'd be very careful who and what I make fun of I hope you step on a Lego I would slap you, but I don't want to get slut on my hand prick the sound of your piss hitting the urinal is feminine I had sex with your wife turd sandwich jive turkey your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries I hope your asshole grows taste buds bitch, you dumb you are the opposite of batman if your vagina had a password, it would be "password" I'd call you a cunt, but you lack the warmth and the depth fucktard you're the AT&T of people I worship the ground that awaits your grave history will judge me harshly for not having killed you