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IPDPS '23 workshop | Optimizing Irregular Dense Operators of Heteregeneous GNN Models on GPU #355

Closed jasperzhong closed 1 year ago

jasperzhong commented 1 year ago


jasperzhong commented 1 year ago

fuse RGCN多个relation kernel的工作.

Motivation: type-specific kernels are called separately, resulting in many small kernels. The goal is to improve GPU utilization by fusing type-specific kernels in RGCN/HGT models

Two baseline


The best choice of the two operators varies from datasets. There is no one-size-fits-all operator.

Kernel-level optimizations: shared memory for node embeddings, L2 cache for weight matrix, warp for vector-matrix multiplication, and accumulation in GPU registers

Experiments on small datasets (up to 5M edges) show up to 3x speedup for full-graph training and up to 2x for mini-batch.