jasrys / cwr-json

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If we consolidate SPU and OPU into something more generic like PUB with a controlled bool flag, do we also consolidate SPTs and OPTs into a generic record like TER (territory) #29

Open jasrys opened 10 months ago

jasrys commented 10 months ago

In other words, given this nested chain:

PUB: {
  controlled: true
  TER: {

We don't need to make the distinction between a SPU and an OPU because the controlled: true flag defines it for us.

We also don't need to make the distinction between a SPT and a OPT because we can infer from the structure that the territory belongs to a controlled publisher.

Same thing with WRI vs. SWR and OWR and SWT and OWT.

This lets us minimize the amount of unique records and take advantage of the nested inheritance structure of JSON

jasrys commented 9 months ago

Everyone wants to live in the past and doesn't want to consolidate records