jaszhix / NoMansConnect

A location manager for No Man's Sky.
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[Manually entered locations] No Man's Disconnect - teleporting seems to leave me with someone elses save file #26

Closed temp-999 closed 7 years ago

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

I had version .12 and updated (did not uninstall) to .13 tonight. Thought I'd try teleporting to a hand entered address for some colonized hub. Started NMS and appeared on a snow covered planet. Turned around and saw a starship that was not mine. Checked my inventories and none of them was as expected. Neither the crafts or the inventories. Saw an icon for a claimed base and went there. Reloaded previous save file to get back to my base and saved twice.

PC, Windows 10, 64 bit, 1607 current as of June 2017. Use Steam to access NMS.


C:\Program Files\NoMansConnect

NMC.log: Sat Jun 24 2017 23:29:13 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Initializing No Man's Connect 0.13.0" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:29:14 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Failed to locate NMS install: path doesn't exist." Sat Jun 24 2017 23:29:16 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Current location: -939:-17:698:0:121:1" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:29:16 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Username: temp" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:29:16 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Active save file: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\st##############\storage2.hg" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:30:21 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Initializing No Man's Connect 0.13.0" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:30:21 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Failed to locate NMS install: path doesn't exist." Sat Jun 24 2017 23:30:22 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Username: temp" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:30:22 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Active save file: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\st##############\storage2.hg" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:30:22 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Current location: -939:-17:698:0:121:1" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:30:54 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Initializing No Man's Connect 0.13.0" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:30:55 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Failed to locate NMS install: path doesn't exist." Sat Jun 24 2017 23:30:56 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Username: temp" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:30:56 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Active save file: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\st##############\storage2.hg" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:30:56 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Current location: -939:-17:698:0:121:1" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:36:53 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Initializing No Man's Connect 0.13.0" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:36:53 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Failed to locate NMS install: path doesn't exist." Sat Jun 24 2017 23:36:54 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Current location: -939:-17:698:0:121:1" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:36:54 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Active save file: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\st##############\storage2.hg" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:36:54 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Username: temp" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:37:34 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Initializing No Man's Connect 0.13.0" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:37:35 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Failed to locate NMS install: path doesn't exist." Sat Jun 24 2017 23:37:36 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Username: temp" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:37:36 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Current location: -939:-17:698:0:121:1" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:37:36 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Active save file: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\st##############\storage2.hg" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:38:17 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Initializing No Man's Connect 0.13.0" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:38:18 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Failed to locate NMS install: path doesn't exist." Sat Jun 24 2017 23:38:18 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Username: temp" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:38:18 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Active save file: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\st##############\storage2.hg" Sat Jun 24 2017 23:38:18 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Current location: -939:-17:698:0:121:1" Sun Jun 25 2017 00:14:41 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "AJAX Worker failure: fetchRemoteLocations"

Haven't teleported anywhere else but can do so if that will help.

Ahjira commented 7 years ago

I'll second this - same thing happens to me when attempting to teleport to an address I manually entered. You don't end up at that location, nor are you "in" your own save file. It's clearly someone else's.

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

Its really impossible for the simple reason of other people's save files not being stored on the server, so there's no way for you to be using one other than your own. What is likely happening is an object from the save is being mutated inadvertently before your save file is written. I will try to reproduce and patch this before the next release.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

Don't know if this will help. I saved a copy of the save file after the voxel address was updated. "USN": " is referenced 1396 times.

null string - 2 Mighty Zombie Slayer - 5 neuropuff - 1284 Arokosaki86 - 2 afWngs - 2 ANARCK0S - 1 Brayo - 1 biogecko - 3 blazzing_u - 1 Chainsaw - 1 Chron - 1 coldboxpal - 1 etc.

None of these are me. I started with release .8, I think and always installed over the previous version. Maybe I have an old file of yours? I'd be happy to uninstall and delete the roaming folder too and then re-install if that would benefit you.

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

Those values are the player's you've "met" in the game, and since you're probably using the app to teleport you're seeing familiar names. What's not correct is your username not being in the list. Can you email me that save data along with your username?

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

Sure. How do I email the save game? Also, I've never met anyone in the game.

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

Zip up your save directory and send it to jaszhix@gmail.com. That list is of players that have gone near you - so they can appear in your save file even if you don't know about them.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

On its way. I only zipped the save file since that's the only altered file that I made a copy of.

I'm puzzled as to players that have gone near me when I'm using the app in disconnected mode...

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

Well, let's be clear, you're referring to the No Man's Sky save file data, correct? I have no control over how Hello Games handles that.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

Perhaps I'm unclear. These were my steps. I started up NMC which I had already set to Disconnect - so maybe NMD. I selected the most recent location from the left side (places that I had visited) but in this case it was a destination that I had manually entered through NMD. I selected Teleport to this destination. At that time I assumed that NMD updated my most recent NMS save file. I started up NMS and found myself in a location that I had not visited before which was expected. I turned around and saw a starship that wasn't mine. At that point I tabbed (playing on a PC) to my inventories and recognized nothing. I saw a marker on the HUD for a base. Went there and saw someone else's base. Interesting but outside my comfort zone. I reloaded the -1 save file and appeared back at my old base. Then I saved twice which forced the NMD altered save file to -2. Exited NMS and saved the oldest save file which I've sent to you.

Now, how can I help?

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

Thanks, that does make it easier to understand. As @Ahjira mentioned, he reproduced this by teleporting to a manually entered location - did you do that when this occurred?

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

Yes. Should I try a location that I'd actually visited before?

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

Yeah, try it.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

OK. I started up NMD, backed up my NMS save files, selected the second most recent location in NMD and Teleported there. Checked NMS save files and found that the one with the most current timestamp (storage3.hg) is smaller than the other two. Copied storage3.hg and it appears to be a twin to the storage2.hg file that I sent you. Used HxD to compare the two file - and they're identical.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

Found the file. It's in the nmssavetool folder and is called saveCache.json.

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

Did the teleport work?

saveCache.json is just a file buffer. It can be ignored.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

I did teleport, but I don't recognize the place. Also the inventories are not mine again and neither is the base.

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

Did you ...

NMC always writes to the newest save slot, so if you restore a save slot file (Normal mode is storage.hg - storage_2.hg), you have to clear the ones affected by the bug or it further complicates the issue with unpredictable results.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago


I'm not sure what a functional save is. What I've always done in the past was to reload previous saves from within NMS.

I should have gone to a location that I discovered - this did not happen.

What are junk save slots?

When I use a previous save from within NMS, I make sure to save NMS before I exit the game so that I have a good starting point for the next time that I open NMS.

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

Okay, I'm assuming you backed up your saves. Save files are three slots per difficulty. Basically what I'm saying is if you're certain a save slot works, it will still be older than the ones that are corrupt, so you have to delete the newer corrupt ones. An easier solution is to back up the entire HelloGames directory.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

Before I engage in risky behavior, I make a backup of C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS.

After I recover from a NMD teleport by loading the -1 generation of the NMS save files from within the game, I then save twice. This way I have a good save file for the next time I start up NMS and, in case I need to teleport, I have an addition good copy in the -1 generation of the save files to reload from.

Am I not explaining this well?

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

by loading the -1 generation of the NMS save files from within the game

What do you mean?

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

NMS create three save files per mode (?). I only play Normal so the save files are storage.json, storage2.json, and storage3.json. The most current save file has the most recent timestamp and can be considered the 0 generation. One generation back ,(-1), would be the slightly older save file and the oldest save file would be generation (-2). My terminology may not apply in this time. I'm a retired mainframe programming who is more conversant in Cobol.

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

I sent a follow up email asking you to send a working save file along with a voxel address of a location that failed for you so I can reproduce it.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

It's on its way.

Ahjira commented 7 years ago

Jason let me know if you need anything from me. I’m away from home for awhile today but will be back tonight. My case was similar in that teleporting to a manually stored address - that I had visited personally - loaded what appeaRed to be a completely unique save. Not my ship, not my stats, not my inventory and only 47 million units instead of my 1.08 billion. Not the same planet either... or so it seemed.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

I've looked a bit closer at what happens when I select Teleport Here using No Man's Disconnect.

NMD saveCache.json overwrites my current NMS save file. But my new NMS save file is not identical to the NMD saveCache.json. Comparing these two files, all the changes that I looked at (and there are a lot) had to do with decimal precision. In the majority of the cases, the new NMS save file values had one additional decimal place.

Tried to attach an image but apparently don't know how. I consistently get: 'Something went really wrong, and we can’t process that file. Try again.'

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

@Ahjira Thanks.

Did you launch the game after teleporting? Or reload your save with the game already open? Just starting the game up will create tons of changes to the save file that aren't connected to gameplay so I would be interested in seeing if this is still the case if you do nothing with the game and teleport while the game is closed.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

For a consistent approach, please give me the sequential steps that you'd like me to do. I'll do them and then provide a narrative of what occurred.

Is there a size restriction for attaching images?

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

I'm not asking for anything specific. I'm just saying it's likely caused by the game not the app. You can confirm this by doing what you did without launching the game.

I would prefer you use a service like pastebin, images are not needed for JSON files. I have a bit of work to do on other things before I can get to the app and test it. I'll try to reproduce it tomorrow.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

OK. I'll make a copy of my current NMS save file. Start NMD. Pick a destination and 'Teleport Here'. Then compare saveCache.json to the new NMS current save file. NMS won't be started at all.

Maybe Imgur? https://imgur.com/a/tsH3k

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

No images. send the files to me please.

At this point of I have enough information, but not enough time. I appreciate your help.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

Sure. Right after I re-run the teleport.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

saveCache.json in the NMC folder is dated 6/24/2017 10:16 Pm and is 1,387 KB. My current (most recent) NMS save file is storage2.hg is dated 6/30/2017 2:49 AM and is 2,019 KB.

Saved a copy of saveCache.json. Saved a copy of storage2.hg.

Started No Man's Disconnect (NMD) and clicked on one of the locations that I had discovered. Voxel address is -1007:-59:614:0:306:0 . When the box for that location popped up in the bottom left of the NMD screen I clicked on the three dots (...) and then clicked on Teleport Here. Saved a copy of storage2.hg as storage2_after_teleport.hg which now is dated 6/30/2017 6:33 PM and is 1,388 KB.

Compared saveCache.json and storage2_after_teleport.json. Differences detected seem to be due to decimal precision.

Manually reverted my NMS storage2.hg file by copying the originally saved version over top of it.

As a non-Pro, Pastebin on allows 512 KB. Probably fortunate that I don't know how to segment files.

For the next six hours or so zipped copies to saveCache.json and storage2_after_teleport.hg can be found at http://dropcanvas.com/PD6KBaYX1efm09 . If that doesn't work, I'll email them to you.

Ahjira commented 7 years ago

Ok Jason -- success -- teleporting while the game is open works as you mentioned. I'm not sure how I did it before. Will test with a few other locations. @temp-999 did you still have issues after loading the coordinates this way?

temp-999 commented 7 years ago


Just now: Started NMS and was at my base where I should be. Started NMD (NMC, Options, Offline Mode: already set to On), selected -1007:-59:614:0:306:0 in Euclid and Teleported. My current NMS save file was replaced by C:\Program Files\NoMansConnect\nmssavetool\saveCache.json. Back in NMS, reloaded current and found myself at -1749:2:-24:1:31:2 in Hilbert.

Are you running Offline? Is this the sequence similar to what you did?

Ahjira commented 7 years ago

No I'm running in online mode and I was successful when I teleported exactly how Jason mentioned. Start the game and the pause it by going into your Options screen. Then open or go to NMC and teleport to the address you want. Flip back to NMS and on that same Options screen, immediately reload your current save. This will load up the altered save file that NMC just altered when you opted to teleport and it'll place you out in your ship by the space station of the system you chose.

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

@temp-999 Please try v0.14.0 and see if it helps.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your continued work!

Did not start NMS.

Downloaded NMC .14. Installed over version .13. Blocked by firewall. Unblocked and re-installed: OK.

Started NMC. Picked a location that I'd been to: -1007:-59:614:0:306:0 In the box that popped-up, selected ... and teleported. New Stored Location entry appeared in list: 678:-2:1516:0:10:3

Storage2.hg size was changed from 2,019 KB to 1,323 KB. C:\Program Files\NoMansConnect\nmssavetool\saveCache.json is 1,322 KB. "PlayerStateData": { "UniverseAddress": { "RealityIndex": 0, "GalacticAddress": { "VoxelX": 678, "VoxelY": -2, "VoxelZ": 1516, "SolarSystemIndex": 10, "PlanetIndex": 3

NMC.log for Jul 08 2017: Sat Jul 08 2017 12:42:14 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Initializing No Man's Connect 0.14.0" Sat Jul 08 2017 12:42:15 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Failed to locate NMS install: path doesn't exist." Sat Jul 08 2017 12:42:17 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Active save file: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\st_76561198053233295\storage2.hg" Sat Jul 08 2017 12:42:17 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Current location: -939:-17:698:0:121:1" Sat Jul 08 2017 12:42:17 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Username: temp" Sat Jul 08 2017 12:46:20 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): {"errno":-4048,"code":"EPERM","syscall":"open","path":"C:\Program Files\NoMansConnect\nmssavetool\saveCache.json"} Sat Jul 08 2017 15:06:50 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Initializing No Man's Connect 0.14.0" Sat Jul 08 2017 15:06:50 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Failed to locate NMS install: path doesn't exist." Sat Jul 08 2017 15:06:51 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Username: temp" Sat Jul 08 2017 15:06:51 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Active save file: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\st_76561198053233295\storage2.hg" Sat Jul 08 2017 15:06:51 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Current location: 678:-2:1516:0:10:3" Sat Jul 08 2017 15:08:02 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Initializing No Man's Connect 0.14.0" Sat Jul 08 2017 15:08:02 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Failed to locate NMS install: path doesn't exist." Sat Jul 08 2017 15:08:03 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Current location: 678:-2:1516:0:10:3" Sat Jul 08 2017 15:08:03 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Active save file: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\st_76561198053233295\storage2.hg" Sat Jul 08 2017 15:08:03 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Username: temp"

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

No problem. So its teleporting you somewhere you've never been to?

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

That will be correct.

I think that this is apparent but just in case. Included in the installation files for at least versions .13 and .14 has been the C:\Program Files\NoMansConnect\nmssavetool\saveCache.json file. At the top of those files is PlayerStateData which, I believe, includes the player's current location. Version .13: -1749:2:-24:1:31:2 Version .14: 678:-2:1516:0:10:3 None of these locations were places that I had been before. Just as a note, I've traveled through 200+ systems and have never run across a previously discovered item (system, planet, moon, flora or fauna).

If it would help, I could uninstall NMC, delete the NoMansConnect folder in the the Roaming folder and then do a fresh installation? The few locations that are currently saved are not of great consequence.

temp-999 commented 7 years ago

Tried the NMC Options to specify (browse to) NMS programs and NMS save files. After that, noticed that the dots on the NMC Map were not highlighting anymore. Figured it was a good time to uninstall and do a fresh install of NMC.

Uninstalled NMC. Folder in C:\Program Files still there but empty. Folder in Roaming gone. Elected to manually reboot. Ran Ccleaner and also cleaned the Registry. Restarted Windows.

Used firewall to disconnect from Internet.

Installed NMC - OK. Started NMC - no window just a Javascript error pop-up. Tried starting NMC again - nothing. Tried to re-install and was told that NMC was running. Canceled re-install, went in Task Manager and ended NMC. (I have had recent problems with apps running OK but not putting up a window. Have to end them in Task Manager and then run the app as Administrator. This seems to work.) Started NMC as administrator and window came up. Enter my ID and changed to Offline. Note - it appears that it's possible to have multiple instances of NMC running.

Started NMS. Had to reconnect to Internet in order to access Steam. Started NMS. Did a NMS teleport to another system. Got into my spaceship and got back out. NMC shows new Stored Location. In NMS Reloaded Current to get back to base and saved twice. Tried NMC Map buttons. Shared does nothing (didn't expect it to), PS4 does nothing (didn't expect it to), Explored shows two locations. Center shows the center, Base shows nothing, Favorite shows nothing (didn't expect it to), Current highlights current location and Selected shows nothing. Edited new location and changed the name to 214 spacestation. Did an NMC teleport to 214 spacestation. Storage2.hg was 2,109 KB and is now 1,965 KB. In NMS Reloaded Current and am back at the 214 spacestation with all my own stuff! Yay!

Compared before and after storage2.hg files: Current location is changed correctly. Values (mainly these) with trailing '.0' no longer have that (10.0 -> 10). Some locations are a decimal place longer (0.8257381916046143 -> 0.82573819160461426). Filename changed ("MODELS\/COMMON\/WEAPONS\/MULTITOOL\/MULTITOOL.SCENE.MBIN" -> "MODELS/COMMON/WEAPONS/MULTITOOL/MULTITOOL.SCENE.MBIN"). "TimeAlive": 415830 -> 415837 . "TotalPlayTime": 2299444 -> 2299451 . "RID": "XQw8bEtoOPhFdBRx\/UsAxtlRnY0BbSQFouoFO5TEXM0=" -> "XQw8bEtoOPhFdBRx/UsAxtlRnY0BbSQFouoFO5TEXM0=" .

It appears that the C:\Program Files\NoMansConnect folder has moved to C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Programs\NoMansConnect.

NMC.log: Sun Jul 09 2017 16:36:21 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Initializing No Man's Connect 0.14.0" Sun Jul 09 2017 16:36:21 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Failed to locate NMS install: path doesn't exist." Sun Jul 09 2017 16:36:22 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "AJAX Worker failure: version" Sun Jul 09 2017 16:36:23 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Username: Explorer" Sun Jul 09 2017 16:36:23 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Current location: -939:-17:698:0:121:1" Sun Jul 09 2017 16:36:23 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Active save file: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\st_############\storage2.hg" Sun Jul 09 2017 16:36:23 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): {"config":{"transformRequest":{},"transformResponse":{},"timeout":15000,"xsrfCookieName":"csrftoken","xsrfHeaderName":"X-XSRF-TOKEN","maxContentLength":-1,"headers":{"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, /"},"baseURL":"https://neuropuff.com/api/","method":"get","params":{"username":"Explorer","machineId":"cf9c350602183d749fcf1aaffbed80ff7899910eb188f3d2b5ed6b9fd27880c9"},"url":"https://neuropuff.com/api/nmsprofile"},"request":{"__raven_xhr":{"method":"GET","url":"https://neuropuff.com/api/nmsprofile?username=Explorer&machineId=cf9c350602183d749fcf1aaffbed80ff7899910eb188f3d2b5ed6b9fd27880c9","status_code":0}}} Sun Jul 09 2017 16:36:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "AJAX Worker failure: syncRemoteOwned" Sun Jul 09 2017 16:36:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "AJAX Worker failure: handleSync" Sun Jul 09 2017 16:36:24 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "AJAX Worker failure: fetchRemoteLocations" Sun Jul 09 2017 17:01:10 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Initializing No Man's Connect 0.14.0" Sun Jul 09 2017 17:01:10 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Failed to locate NMS install: path doesn't exist." Sun Jul 09 2017 17:01:11 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Current location: -939:-17:698:0:121:1" Sun Jul 09 2017 17:01:11 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Active save file: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\HelloGames\NMS\st_############\storage2.hg" Sun Jul 09 2017 17:01:11 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time): "Username: Explorer"

Summary: Uninstall and re-install seems to have fixed my problem though there are a few oddities.

jaszhix commented 7 years ago

It looks like the first time you installed the app for all users and the second time you installed it for just your user, and that would suggest it was a permissions issue in your Windows installation the first time you were running into this problem. Thanks for the detailed report.

taukausanake commented 6 years ago

I'm having this issue right now and I read over the comments. Is the solution just to reinstall NMC?

jaszhix commented 6 years ago

Without any context, I would say open a new issue.