Closed jpfairbanks closed 1 year ago
BTW, the OpenPetriNet
category from AlgebraicPetri embed into the ResourceSharer
as implemented by this PR
Really appreciate you taking a look at this!
So if I use a resource sharer this:
compartments = WiringDiagram([], [:susceptible, :exposed, :presymptomatic,
:symptomatic, :asymptomatic, :quarantined, :isolated, :recovered, :death ])
susceptible_box = add_box!(compartments, Box(
:susceptible, [:E₂, :A, :I, :Q, :L], [:S]
exposed_box = add_box!(compartments, Box(
:exposed, [:S, :E₂, :A, :I, :Q, :L], [:E₁]
presymptomatic_box = add_box!(compartments, Box(
:presymptomatic, [:E₁], [:E₂]
symptomatic_box = add_box!(compartments, Box(
:symptomatic, [:E₂], [:I]
asymptomatic_box = add_box!(compartments, Box(
:asymptomatic, [:E₂], [:A]
quarantined_box = add_box!(compartments, Box(
:quarantined, [:E₂], [:Q]
isolated_box = add_box!(compartments, Box(
:isolated, [:I, :A], [:L]
recovered_box = add_box!(compartments, Box(
:recovered, [:I, :A, :Q, :L], [:R]
death_box = add_box!(compartments, Box(
:death, [:I, :L, :Q], [:D]
# Why is this step necessary/ Is it necessary?
add_wires!(compartments, Pair[
(susceptible_box, 1) => (exposed_box, 1),
(exposed_box, 1) => (presymptomatic_box, 1),
(presymptomatic_box, 1) => (symptomatic_box, 1),
(presymptomatic_box, 1) => (asymptomatic_box, 1),
(presymptomatic_box, 1) => (quarantined_box, 1),
(asymptomatic_box, 1) => (isolated_box, 1),
(asymptomatic_box, 1) => (recovered_box, 1),
(symptomatic_box, 1) => (isolated_box, 1),
(symptomatic_box, 1) => (recovered_box, 1),
(symptomatic_box, 1) => (death_box, 1),
(quarantined_box, 1) => (recovered_box, 1),
(quarantined_box, 1) => (death_box, 1),
(isolated_box, 1) => (recovered_box, 1),
(isolated_box, 1) => (death_box, 1),
# Loop back to Susceptible [IS THIS NECESSARY?]
(presymptomatic_box,1) => (susceptible_box,1),
(asymptomatic_box,1) => (susceptible_box,1),
(symptomatic_box,1) => (susceptible_box,1),
(quarantined_box,1) => (susceptible_box,1),
(isolated_box,1) => (susceptible_box,1),
# Loop back to Exposed [IS THIS NECESSARY?]
(presymptomatic_box,1) => (exposed_box,1),
(asymptomatic_box,1) => (exposed_box,1),
(symptomatic_box,1) => (exposed_box,1),
(quarantined_box,1) => (exposed_box,1),
(isolated_box,1) => (exposed_box,1),
should become this:
compartments = @relation (S, E₁, E₂,
I, A, Q,
L, R, D,) begin
expose(E₂, A, I, Q, L, S)
infect(S, E₂, A, I, Q, L, E₁)
neutralize(E₁, E₂)
worsen(E₂, I)
quarantine(E₂, Q)
isolate(E₂, Q, L)
recover(I, A, Q, L, R)
die(I, L, Q, D)
Will include the updated model soon
Hi @fivegrant, I looked at the catlab version of the model and saw that you are using
for your implementation.When I look at the following
with all of the feedback arrows that point up, I see that Machine syntax is not a good fit for this problem. Machines are often used in engineered systems where there is a clear flow of information from input to output with some limited feedback interaction. For example in controls theory, the information flows sensor -> controller -> plant -> sensor. In this case all but one arrow points forward.Naturally occuring systems like disease dynamics are typically undirected, where all the variables flow back to influence other variables. In this setting you want to use
s to model your system.The documentation shows this in the Lotka-Volterra three ways page:
You end up with the same ODE, but the syntactic composition rule is much more concise.