jath03 / openrgb-python

A python client for the OpenRGB SDK
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AttributeError when calling RGBColor method fromHEX #14

Closed ElSrJuez closed 3 years ago

ElSrJuez commented 3 years ago

I am getting an error when trying to convert a HEX string to RGBColorusing the provided method fromHEX:

Exception has occurred: AttributeError
type object 'RGBColor' has no attribute 'fromHEX'
  File "xxxxx.py", line yy, in zzz
    backColor = RGBColor.fromHEX('#800000')

In addition, in VSCode IntelliSense doesnt show the fromHEXmethod, even though interestingly enough it does show fromHSV correctly

jath03 commented 3 years ago

fromHEX was added in the latest git version, but hasn't been included in a pypi release yet. To install the latest git version, you will have to uninstall openrgb-python and then install with the instructions in the README for the newest version.