jaumard / sms_autofill

Flutter plugin to provide SMS code autofill support
MIT License
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[Bug] Field onCodeChanged at PinFieldAutoFill widget becomes empty after minimise keyboard on physical Android phone #184

Open danPyk opened 1 year ago

danPyk commented 1 year ago

I have a problem, which occurs only on physical phone, on iOS and Android emulators everything works fine. When I finished type verification code and then minimise keyboard, field became empty. I've tried to debug this and noticed, that anonymous parameter of onCodeChanged is empty after closing keyboard.

Phone is Moto G8 with Android 11.

ashut08 commented 1 year ago

@danPyk i find some workaround you can reassign currentCode in onCodeChanged method -

onCodeChanged: (code) {
                            otpCode = code;

String? otpCode = "";
                      child: Padding(
                        padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 20),
                        child: PinFieldAutoFill(
                              Cursor(color: AppColor.colorPrimary, height: 10),
                          codeLength: 4,
                          onCodeChanged: (code) {
                            otpCode = code; // reasign otp code herer 

                          onCodeSubmitted: (sub) {
                            // submitCode(sub, context);
                          controller: _controller,
                          currentCode: otpCode, //it show curent otp data 
                          autoFocus: false,
                          decoration: BoxLooseDecoration(
                            textStyle: Styles.mediumTextStyle(
                                size: 26, color: AppColor.colorPrimary),
                            strokeColorBuilder: PinListenColorBuilder(
                            bgColorBuilder: PinListenColorBuilder(
                                Colors.white, Colors.white),
                          ),  ),