jaunesarmiento / fries

Fries helps you prototype Android apps using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
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Navigation Drawer feature request #49

Open teusink opened 11 years ago

teusink commented 11 years ago

Awesome work and here is a feature request.

Please add the navigation drawer as Google intended it to be. Thanks in advance aand continue the good work!


jaunesarmiento commented 11 years ago

Hi @teusinkorg. Yes I've been meaning to add this feature a while back. I already have a candidate library to port over to Fries. You may want to check Snap.js as it implements this fairly simple, it's widely used in Ratchet prototypes and the development is active. :)

teusink commented 11 years ago

Nice to see and thanks for your response. One comment is that Snap.js does not follow the Google Design Guidelines presented at Google IO 2013 concerning the nsvigation drawer. Thats why I added the url in the previous post :).

jaunesarmiento commented 11 years ago

Yes I know. :) What I meant is that the core functionality of the navigation drawer is implemented in Snap.js. I think you can expect this feature on the version 1.0.1.


teusink commented 11 years ago

Nuf said then :). Have a nice day! :+1: