java-devil / OCDheim

MIT License
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Mod broken with latest Valheim patch #20

Open OverkillSD opened 1 year ago

OverkillSD commented 1 year ago

Apparently they renamed several things that were misspelled on the backend, and almost every mod is having issues. I tried to build something today and OCDHeim threw an error:

[Error : Unity Log] MissingMethodException: void Piece.GetAllPiecesInRadius(UnityEngine.Vector3,single,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Piece>) Stack trace: OCDheim.PreciseBuildPieceSnapper.SnapToNeighbourPiece (Piece buildPiece, System.Int32 layerMask) (at <94cd103ac0bd4760a3798db21ab8e0ee>:0) OCDheim.PreciseBuildPieceSnapper.Postfix (System.Boolean flashGuardStone, Player __instance, UnityEngine.GameObject ___m_placementGhost, System.Int32 ___m_placeRayMask) (at <94cd103ac0bd4760a3798db21ab8e0ee>:0) (wrapper dynamic-method) Player.DMD<Player::UpdatePlacementGhost>(Player,bool) (wrapper dynamic-method) Player.DMD<Player::LateUpdate>(Player)

Vapok commented 1 year ago