javacc / javaccPlugin

A JavaCC plugin for Gradle
MIT License
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plugin does not generate classes for package: "com.softwareag.rules.functions.parser" #63

Closed sveri closed 1 year ago

sveri commented 1 year ago


I have a pretty sizeable jj definition, that contains this part:

package com.softwareag.rules.functions.parser;

public class JCCFunctionsParser


Now, when I run the gradle plugin with gradlew compileJavacc the expected java classes are not generated. After some trying out, all I could figure out, that the package name is the problem. Basically every package combination I tried works, like:

But the original one: package com.softwareag.rules.functions.parser; does not work. I don't see any errors during the gradle build and no suspicious output.

Any idea what might be wrong here? While changing the package name is an option, I would like to know why this fails with this specific package name.

zbynek commented 1 year ago

Can you please share a minimal example that would show this error?

sveri commented 1 year ago

Hi, I made it as small as this:

package com.softwareag.rules.functions.parser;

public class JCCFunctionsParser


   < DIGIT: ["0"-"9"] >

Behaviour is the same as described in my first comment.

zbynek commented 1 year ago

thanks, I meant a minimal project (maybe a github repo) so that one can see in which subfolder is your parser located, what version of the plugin is used and how is it configured etc.

zbynek commented 1 year ago

I'm closing this, feel free to reopen if you have more information on how to reproduce the issue.