javadmohebbi / nfCollector

Collects Netflow version 1, 5, 6, 7, 9 & IPFIX & stores them on InfluxData time-series DB (InfluxDB)
43 stars 11 forks source link

no data on influxDB #13

Closed bvivi57 closed 3 years ago

bvivi57 commented 4 years ago


I try to use nfCollector on this plateform

Unfortunately, while I'm encountering no errors, I have no data in InfluxDB. The database remains empty, while the logs indicate that nfcol is sending information.

Jul 31 08:25:04 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:25:04 File nfc-20200731-08-23-(sum_proto_geo).metrics.working.done deteled Jul 31 08:25:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:25:06 Reading directory /tmp/nfcol/sum_proto/ Jul 31 08:25:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:25:06 Reading metrics nfc-20200731-08-24-(sum_proto).metrics Jul 31 08:25:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:25:06 Reading directory /tmp/nfcol/sum_proto_geo/ Jul 31 08:25:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:25:06 Reading metrics nfc-20200731-08-24-(sum_proto_geo).metrics Jul 31 08:25:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:25:06 Adding .done extension to .metrics in directory: /tmp/nfcol/sum_proto_geo/ Jul 31 08:25:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:25:06 File nfc-20200731-08-24-(sum_proto_geo).metrics.working renamed to nfc-20200731-08-24-(sum_proto_geo).metrics.working.done Jul 31 08:25:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:25:06 Job for measurement (sum_proto_geo) Finished! Jul 31 08:25:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:25:06 Adding .done extension to .metrics in directory: /tmp/nfcol/sum_proto/ Jul 31 08:25:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:25:06 File nfc-20200731-08-24-(sum_proto).metrics.working renamed to nfc-20200731-08-24-(sum_proto).metrics.working.done Jul 31 08:25:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:25:06 Job for measurement (sum_proto) Finished! Jul 31 08:26:04 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:26:04 Export job configs to send metrics to InfluxDB: localhost:8086 (Database: netflowDB) Jul 31 08:26:04 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:26:04 Job for measurement (sum_proto) Started! Jul 31 08:26:04 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:26:04 Deleting .done extension & rewrite suspended .working files in directory: /tmp/nfcol/sum_proto/ Jul 31 08:26:04 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:26:04 File nfc-20200731-08-24-(sum_proto).metrics.working.done deteled Jul 31 08:26:04 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:26:04 Job for measurement (sum_proto_geo) Started! Jul 31 08:26:04 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:26:04 Deleting .done extension & rewrite suspended .working files in directory: /tmp/nfcol/sum_proto_geo/ Jul 31 08:26:04 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:26:04 File nfc-20200731-08-24-(sum_proto_geo).metrics.working.done deteled Jul 31 08:26:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:26:06 Reading directory /tmp/nfcol/sum_proto/ Jul 31 08:26:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:26:06 Reading metrics nfc-20200731-08-25-(sum_proto).metrics Jul 31 08:26:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:26:06 Reading directory /tmp/nfcol/sum_proto_geo/ Jul 31 08:26:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:26:06 Reading metrics nfc-20200731-08-25-(sum_proto_geo).metrics Jul 31 08:26:06 infsrv001 nfcol[574080]: 2020/07/31 08:26:06 Adding .done extension to .metrics in directory: /tmp/nfcol/sum_proto/

javadmohebbi commented 4 years ago

Hi, @bvivi57

Please share your /etc/nfcol/nfc.yaml configuration file, influxdb log and also output of this command show databases in your InfluxDB Shell

bvivi57 commented 4 years ago

Hi, Thank for your help

This is my conf file

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#       Netflow Collector         #
#         Configuration           #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  # Listen Address

  # Listen UDP Port
  port: 6859

  # If true, nfc will write flow data into stdout
  dump: false

  # Activate forwarder
  forwarder: false

  # Host to forward - Can be separated by ; (semi-colon) eg:;

  # Forwarder UDP Port
  forwarderPort: 7161

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#    IP2Location Configuration    #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  # IP2Location command path
  cmd: /usr/local/bin/ip2location

  # Path to Local GEO Database. Read more at:
  local: /etc/ip2location/local.csv

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#     Exporter Configuration      #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  # Enable if it's true
  enable: true

  # Currently Only InfluxDB (1.x) supported
  type: influxdb

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#     InfluxDB Configuration      #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  # InfluxDB Host
  host: localhost

  # InfluxDB Port
  port: 8086

  # InfluxDB Username. Can be null
  username: user_sup_netflow

  # InfluxDB Password. Can be null
  password: mypassword

  # InfluxDB Database
  # InfluxDB command example for creating database:
  database: netflowDB

  # Temp Dir for InfluxDB Metrics. MUST be ended with / (Linux) or \ (Windows)
  tmpDir: /tmp/nfcol/

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#          Measurements           #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  # Netflow Summary Measurement Name
  summaryProto: sum_proto

  # Netflow GEO Summary Measurement Name
  summaryProtoGeo: sum_proto_geo

This is an extract influxdblog

Aug 03 11:14:00 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:14:00 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" aaad975b-d569-11ea-8729-005056903494 4079
Aug 03 11:14:06 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - user_sup_netflow [03/Aug/2020:11:14:06 +0200] "POST /write?consistency=&db=netflowDB&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" ae417dd5-d569-11ea-872a-005056903494 110
Aug 03 11:14:06 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - user_sup_netflow [03/Aug/2020:11:14:06 +0200] "POST /write?consistency=&db=netflowDB&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" ae418df6-d569-11ea-872b-005056903494 58
Aug 03 11:14:10 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:14:10 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" b0a45e65-d569-11ea-872c-005056903494 8261
Aug 03 11:14:20 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:14:20 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" b69969d6-d569-11ea-872d-005056903494 4109
Aug 03 11:14:30 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:14:30 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" bc8f402b-d569-11ea-872e-005056903494 6769
Aug 03 11:14:40 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:14:40 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" c28522e4-d569-11ea-872f-005056903494 2807
Aug 03 11:14:50 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:14:50 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" c87affc2-d569-11ea-8730-005056903494 3393
Aug 03 11:15:00 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:15:00 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" ce70e803-d569-11ea-8731-005056903494 6443
Aug 03 11:15:06 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - user_sup_netflow [03/Aug/2020:11:15:06 +0200] "POST /write?consistency=&db=netflowDB&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" d20502d7-d569-11ea-8732-005056903494 132
Aug 03 11:15:06 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - user_sup_netflow [03/Aug/2020:11:15:06 +0200] "POST /write?consistency=&db=netflowDB&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" d2050d81-d569-11ea-8733-005056903494 44
Aug 03 11:15:06 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:15:06 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "python-requests/2.21.0" d2352150-d569-11ea-8734-005056903494 925
Aug 03 11:15:10 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:15:10 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" d466c068-d569-11ea-8735-005056903494 3424
Aug 03 11:15:20 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:15:20 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" da5cab6b-d569-11ea-8736-005056903494 3368
Aug 03 11:15:30 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:15:30 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" e0529ded-d569-11ea-8737-005056903494 4356
Aug 03 11:15:40 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:15:40 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" e6486393-d569-11ea-8738-005056903494 3689
Aug 03 11:15:50 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:15:50 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" ec3e5343-d569-11ea-8739-005056903494 4216
Aug 03 11:16:00 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:16:00 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" f2345956-d569-11ea-873a-005056903494 18777
Aug 03 11:16:06 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - user_sup_netflow [03/Aug/2020:11:16:06 +0200] "POST /write?consistency=&db=netflowDB&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" f5c85f26-d569-11ea-873b-005056903494 96
Aug 03 11:16:06 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - user_sup_netflow [03/Aug/2020:11:16:06 +0200] "POST /write?consistency=&db=netflowDB&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" f5c868ae-d569-11ea-873c-005056903494 45
Aug 03 11:16:10 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:16:10 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" f82a0520-d569-11ea-873d-005056903494 3519
Aug 03 11:16:20 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - jeedom_usr [03/Aug/2020:11:16:20 +0200] "POST /write?db=jeedom_db HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "Telegraf/1.14.4" fe1ff637-d569-11ea-873e-005056903494 4021

This is the output "SHOW DATABASES"

 influx -execute "SHOW DATABASES"
name: databases
javadmohebbi commented 4 years ago

Hi @bvivi57

It seems that there is no problem writing metrics to your InfluxDB database (netflowDB)

Aug 03 11:15:06 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - user_sup_netflow [03/Aug/2020:11:15:06 +0200] "POST /write?consistency=&db=netflowDB&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" d20502d7-d569-11ea-8732-005056903494 132 Aug 03 11:15:06 infsrv001 influxd[862]: [httpd] - user_sup_netflow [03/Aug/2020:11:15:06 +0200] "POST /write?consistency=&db=netflowDB&precision=ns&rp= HTTP/1.1" 204 0 "-" "InfluxDBClient" d2050d81-d569-11ea-8733-005056903494 44

The above line and similar lines show that nfcol is writing metrics well. see 204 HTTP response.

Please run these command in your InfluxDB shell and send back the result:

use netflowDB show measurements

If you can see sum_proto, then run this command and let me know the result show series from sum_proto limit 10

bvivi57 commented 4 years ago


Thanks for your help.

Here is the return of the command 👍

use netflowDB
show measurements

-> empty result

show series from sum_proto limit 10 -> empty result

dsielert commented 3 years ago

I have this same exact issue

aaemon commented 3 years ago

Same issue.

kagareu commented 3 years ago

same issue here

javadmohebbi commented 3 years ago

@dsielert @aaemon @kagareu Next version is under development, all the bugs will fix. Maybe next month ;)

rodrigocastrillon commented 3 years ago

@javadmohebbi first, thank you for building and sharing this cool app. It is really helpful.

I have the same issue reported here... However:

My problem is that when running inside Docker, the app wont create the job files on /tmp/nfcol/sum_proto/ nor on /tmp/nfcol/sum_proto_geo/. I have configured the path to be writable but the process wont write to the folder.

Any clues?

Edit; I noticed that:

Edit2; About the container, it was a port mapping issue. A typo! I used one port in the configs but exposed another in the container, so no data inbound. Ever. Fixing the port mapping was enough for everything to work. About the decoder error: EOF, I noticed that they frequent in netflow v9, while in v10 (IPFIX) and v5, they are not. So I have 2 devices sending netflow, one in v10 and another in v5, so far no decoder error: EOF error.

One thing that took me some time in the troubleshoot was the inability to see in the logs that the application was not receiving any netflow data (due to my port mapping error). Maybe other people have other problems, but they get the same symptom:

ghost commented 3 years ago

Just to say I have got this version working using Opnsense as the netflow source. The only issue is that it will not work with netflow v9, only v5. Opensense only provides v5 or v9 That said, it was pretty easy to get working, compact and efficient compared to all the others I have tried, which tend to be complex and resource hungry. Current testing on a Debian Buster vm, uses 2Gb memory, with 50% cpu (4 threads), hypervisor xcp-ng. Installed using the deb package.

Thank you for your effort in producing this useful tool.

I look forward to trying out the new version once it it ready.

Latest Now getting Netflow V9 from opnsense, this appeared to be fixed in the latest update to opnsense.

javadmohebbi commented 3 years ago

Just to say I have got this version working using Opnsense as the netflow source. The only issue is that it will not work with netflow v9, only v5. Opensense only provides v5 or v9 That said, it was pretty easy to get working, compact and efficient compared to all the others I have tried, which tend to be complex and resource hungry. Current testing on a Debian Buster vm, uses 2Gb memory, with 50% cpu (4 threads), hypervisor xcp-ng. Installed using the deb package.

Thank you for your effort in producing this useful tool.

I look forward to trying out the new version once it it ready.

Dear @aimdev,

Thank you for your kind feedback. The new version is almost ready. Next week you can try it.