WriteableView#handleValidation() is calling ValidatorImpl.validateValue from hibernate-validator. The hibernate-validator contains a bug (https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HV-1140) that will be fixed in 5.3.1.Final version. It'd be great if that version can be used while releasing version 2.5.0 of hk2. I know there will be some changes to bean-validation creation and an external hibernate-validator jar dependency will be added since it's already OSGI compatible. So it'd be easy to switch to the latest version I guess.
WriteableView#handleValidation() is calling ValidatorImpl.validateValue from hibernate-validator. The hibernate-validator contains a bug (https://hibernate.atlassian.net/browse/HV-1140) that will be fixed in 5.3.1.Final version. It'd be great if that version can be used while releasing version 2.5.0 of hk2. I know there will be some changes to bean-validation creation and an external hibernate-validator jar dependency will be added since it's already OSGI compatible. So it'd be easy to switch to the latest version I guess.