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Component creation off EDT. #26

Open glassfishrobot opened 14 years ago

glassfishrobot commented 14 years ago

When using the JavaHelp viewer in conjunction with Substance look and feel the viewer throws a substance.UIThreadingViolationException indicating swing components are being created off the event dispatch thread. Digging through the source I see that in in the PrintThread inner class you can see: JEditorPane editor = new JHEditorPane(); The JHEditorPane is an inner class that extends JEditorPane and is therefore a swing component which is clearly being created off the EDT. I have also noticed in other bug filings you mention that swing is not thread safe and component creation should be on the EDT in for example bug ID 6206465. Showing you are aware of this being a bug. The creation of this component should probably be done on the EDT per your own advice in the aforementioned bug filing.


Operating System: All Platform: All

Affected Versions


glassfishrobot commented 14 years ago

Reported by adamarmistead

glassfishrobot commented 14 years ago

Was assigned to javahelp-issues

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

This issue was imported from JIRA JAVAHELP-26