Some JCE provider like Bouncy Castle return a wrongly formated String there, because it is not specified.
The return value of "xCert.getIssuerDN().getName()" on a X509Certificate is not specified, but metro assumes that it is a string formated accordingly to RFC 4514 section 2.1, because says so.
When replacing this call with getIssuerX500Principal() Bouncy Castle returns the correctly formated string.
The main Problem I see is in ws-sx/wssx-impl/src/main/java/com/sun/xml/ws/security/opt/impl/keyinfo/
metro returns the following part in the Soap Webservice when using a certificate from Bouncy castle:
CN=bos CA eID Communication Certs,O=bremen online services,C=DE904391263803916562
The X509IssuerName element should be ordered the other way around.
#### Affected Versions
X509Certificate.getIssuerDN() should not be used any more, X509Certificate.getIssuerX500Principal() should be used instead, see:
Some JCE provider like Bouncy Castle return a wrongly formated String there, because it is not specified.
The return value of "xCert.getIssuerDN().getName()" on a X509Certificate is not specified, but metro assumes that it is a string formated accordingly to RFC 4514 section 2.1, because says so.
When replacing this call with getIssuerX500Principal() Bouncy Castle returns the correctly formated string.
The main Problem I see is in ws-sx/wssx-impl/src/main/java/com/sun/xml/ws/security/opt/impl/keyinfo/
metro returns the following part in the Soap Webservice when using a certificate from Bouncy castle: