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jaxws-ri/samples/docs/index.html not updated for 2.1.5 release #634

Closed glassfishrobot closed 16 years ago

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

jaxws-ri/samples/docs/index.html not updated for 2.1.5 release. Issues include:

JAX-WS RI 2.1.2 M1 should refer to JAX-WS RI 2.1.5

Everywhere "JAX-WS RI" is substituted into the document, you need to add a space before the next word. If this text appears at end of sentence, then don't need a space before "." period.

Is this the version of GF we want users to use - "Glassfish Promoted Build v2 50"? Should this be changed to "GF V2 UR2" ? The corresponding link would need to be updated to match this new text.

Is this the version of Tomcat we want users to use "Apache Tomcat 5.x." Should this be changed to "Apache Tomcat 6.x." which links to, since this is the latest version available.

The ordering of the listed samples appears to be random. Should list samples in alphabetical order. This will make it easier to determine if the docs match what we are bundling in the samples directory. Here is what we are bundling in samples directory:

annotations/ fromjava-wsaddressing/ mtom/ async/ fromjavahandler/ mtom-large/ asyncprovider/ fromwsdl/ mtom-soap12/ catalog/ fromwsdl-soap12/ provider/ dispatch/ fromwsdl-wsaddressing/ restful/ docs/ fromwsdl_secure/ schema_validation/ dual_binding/ fromwsdlhandler/ stateful/ efficient_handler/ inline-customize/ supplychain/ external-customize/ large_upload/ type_substitution/ fromjava/ mime/ wsimport_catalog/ fromjava-soap12/ mime-large/ xmlbind_datasource/

Here is what is currently listed in this section of index.html page:

1.0 Directory Structure

This section explains the directory structure of the samples directory in the bundle:


index.html, this file fromjava-wsaddressing Starting from Java endpoint how to develop W3C WS-Addressing endpoint fromwsdl-wsaddressing Starting from WSDL how to develop a WS-Addressing endpoint


Demonstrates how to build, deploy, and invoke a simple Web service starting from a Java service endpoint implementation using annotations.


Same as fromjava sample but with a simple logging handler on the client and server.


Demonstrates how to build, deploy, and invoke a simple Web service starting from a WSDL using external customizations.


Same as fromwsdl sample but demonstrates how to build, deploy, and invoke an HTTPS Web service and client from a WSDL.


Same as fromwsdl sample but with a simple logging handler on the client and server.


Demonstrates how to dynamically invoke web service endpoints. provider Demonstrates how to build, deploy, and invoke based Web service endpoint.


Demonstrates how to build, deploy, and invoke a server side asynchronous Provider based Web service endpoint.


Same as fromjava but shows how to specify a different parameter name, operation name, targetNamespace, and other similar features.


Demonstrates how to generate async operations in a client SEI from a WSDL and invoke it from the client application.


Demonstrates how a client client application can customize a published WSDL using external binding file.


Demonstrates how a client application and server endpoint can be generated from a WSDL with embedded binding declarations.


Demonstrates how to enable MTOM and swaRef.


Same as mtom sample but shows how to specify SOAP 1.2 binding.


Same as fromjava sample but shows how to specify SOAP 1.2 binding.


Same as fromwsdl sample but shows how to specify SOAP 1.2 binding.


Same as fromjava sample but using JavaBeans as parameter and return types. Also the service can be built and deployed using Endpoint API.


Demonstrates how a MIME binding is defined in the WSDL to send wsdl:part as MIME attachments. This requires that the development model is 'starting from WSDL'.


Demonstrates a how a WSDL and schema URI's can be resolved using catalog mechanism using wsimport ant tasks' catalog attribute and also using ant's core type xmlcatalog.


Shows the catalog capability on the client side; Catalog is used every time the implementation tries to access a resource identified by URI that is believed to contain either a WSDL document or any other document on which it depends .


Shows an example of a REST Web Service implemented as a JAX-WS 2.0 Provider and accessed via a JAX-WS Dispatch client. The Request uses an HTTP GET Request Method and uses the JAX-WS MessageContext properties PATH_INFO and QUERY_STRING. stateful This sample shows the JAX-WS RI's stateful webservice support feature.

We are missing these samples from above section: mtom-large/ schema_validation/ dual_binding/ efficient_handler/ large_upload/ type_substitution/ mime-large/ xmlbind_datasource/

Do the samples work on different port than default 8080? If so how do users run samples on non-default port? If not, exactly what files need to be changed to run on non-standard port, as this is all the docs say:

Make sure that the Application Server is configured for port 8080 (which is the default HTTP port for Glassfish installation) as samples hardcoded with this port info. Otherwise, you need to change samples to use the correct port.

Step 5 needs to be updated to use correct version of GF and correct version of jaxws-ri 2.1.5: "5. Glassfish Promoted Build v2 50 integrates JAX-WS RI 2.1.2 M1. So you may just start using it and skip step 6 below unless you want to use the latest JAX-WS RI 2.1.2 M1.

Step 6. a. 'cd JAXWS_HOME' then invoke 'ant install'. This will add jaxws 2.1.2 M1 jars in the classpath-prefix in domain.xml. This is required so that Glassfish picks-up JAXWS 2.1.2 jar.

needs to update to be current for this release, and last sentence should use "jars", not singular "jar"

This step is too vague, be precise and enumerate exactly which jars are required to be copied to this directory:

Running Samples with Tomcat:

3. If you have installed a standalone JAX-WS bundle, Copy the JAX-WS RIjars and its dependency jars to /shared/lib.


Operating System: All Platform: Sun

Affected Versions


glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

Reported by

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: Assigning this to Rama

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: Code changed in jax-ws-sources User: ramapulavarthi Path: /jax-ws-sources/jaxws-ri/build.xml (1.89)

Log: JAX-WS-634:Fix the whitespace when listing the comaplte RI with version.

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: Code changed in jax-ws-sources User: ramapulavarthi Path: /jax-ws-sources/jaxws-ri/docs/samples.html (1.9)

Log: JAX-WS-634:Adding synopsis for missing samples and fixing few doc issues. Alphabetic ordering of samples is not that important. When we need new samples, one can easily add at the end of this html table rather than finding the right order.

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: Code changed in jax-ws-sources User: ramapulavarthi Path: /jax-ws-sources/jaxws-ri/docs/samples.html (1.10)

Log: JAX-WS-634:Fix the remaining docs issues.

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: I fixed most of the issues mentioned in this issue. I did n't change the ordering of the samples listing.

Some of the comments seem to be based on older docs about tomcat installation etc. Please check the updated docs from latest 2.1.5 build and update this bug, if there are any left over issues.

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: Code changed in jax-ws-sources User: ramapulavarthi Path: /jax-ws-sources/jaxws-ri/docs/samples.html (1.11)

Log: JAX-WS-634:Minor doc improvement for samples.

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

Was assigned to

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

This issue was imported from JIRA JAX_WS-634

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

Marked as fixed on Friday, October 3rd 2008, 8:41:28 am