ant to 1.10.2
args4j to 2.0.19
thaiopensource:jing to 20151127
cargo-core-uberjar to 1.6.7
freemarker to 2.3.23
junit to 4.11
plexus-classworlds to 2.5.2
plexus-utils to 3.1.0
plexus-archiver to 3.5
maven-plugin-api to 3.5.2
maven-plugin-annotations to 3.5
maven-core to 3.5.2
ant to 1.10.2 args4j to 2.0.19 thaiopensource:jing to 20151127 cargo-core-uberjar to 1.6.7 freemarker to 2.3.23 junit to 4.11 plexus-classworlds to 2.5.2 plexus-utils to 3.1.0 plexus-archiver to 3.5 maven-plugin-api to 3.5.2 maven-plugin-annotations to 3.5 maven-core to 3.5.2