Open glassfishrobot opened 13 years ago
Reported by msreekanth
msreekanth said: attaching Glassfish server log
msreekanth said: Netbeans applications for service and client
1)Unzip the attached netbeans applications. 2)Open the applications in netbeans 3)Resolve the missing server problem 4)Now clean build and deploy the server side application "TxAppMandatory" 5)Now clean build, deploy and run the client app. "TxAppMandatoryClient" 6)Now a browser window will be opened invoking the servlet, and you will see 2 transaction id's printed on the browser.
msreekanth said: This is actually Tx09 test from function tests in our repository.We have re-implemented the test code for Metro2.1 since the WS-AT implementation in metro itself changed many classes are removed and changed.
With the older ws-at implementation all the test cases in this test were passing.
Now in Tx09 test of our functional test cases, there are 2 failures out of 10 test cases,failing due this.
@arjav-desai said: submitted revision 6915
@arjav-desai said: I am reverting change 6915 as it introduces failures in cross-domain tests.
File: server.log Attached By: msreekanth
File: Attached By: msreekanth
File: Attached By: msreekanth
This issue was imported from JIRA WSIT-1525
While invoking 2 webservice operations with in a UserTransaction, I see there are 2 different transactions created.
The client invocation of the service looks like :
ut.begin(); simple.client.SimpleWebservice port = service.getSimpleWebservicePort(); out.println("Transaction id at server"+port.getId()); out.println(port.mandatory("test")); ut.rollback();
Each of the out.println in the servlet prints the obtained globalTransactionId from xid of the XAResourceImpl.
glassfish 3.1