javaee / metro-wsit
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WSSTUBE0025: Error in Verifying Security in the Inbound Message #1647

Open glassfishrobot opened 12 years ago

glassfishrobot commented 12 years ago

Security tests are failing with WSSTUBE0025: Error in Verifying Security in the Inbound Message.

Metro HA results:

Framework logs: WSSTUBE0025: Error in Verifying Security in the Inbound Message. at com.sun.xml.wss.jaxws.impl.SecurityClientTube.processClientResponsePacket( at com.sun.xml.wss.jaxws.impl.SecurityClientTube.processResponse( at at at at at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at Caused by: Invalid Security Header at com.sun.xml.wss.jaxws.impl.SecurityTubeBase.getSOAPFaultException( at com.sun.xml.wss.jaxws.impl.SecurityTubeBase.getSOAPFaultException( ... 9 more Caused by: com.sun.xml.wss.impl.WssSoapFaultException: Invalid Security Header at com.sun.xml.wss.impl.SecurableSoapMessage.newSOAPFaultException( at com.sun.xml.wss.jaxws.impl.SecurityTubeBase.getSOAPFaultException( ... 9 more


Glassfish 3.1.2 Patch2 , Metro 2.2.0-1

Affected Versions


glassfishrobot commented 12 years ago

Reported by arunkumar_s

glassfishrobot commented 12 years ago

nitkal said: Just to summarize the behavior, it appears that the original failure (on Jul 3) was due to a time-sync issue between the instances that caused the security error message in the server.log of instance109:

Caused by: The provided context token has expired

Once the instances were synced up and the test was re-run , in the failed case the server.log (for instance109) shows the output related to an unexpected behavior in RM (Message number [4]). This is the root cause of the error which is throwing up an error related to invalid security header in the client side ( a common error when the server cannot secure the policy due to another root cause - a bug fixed later in the trunk).

Also it appears that this RM issue is not consistent, since the test passes at times.

glassfishrobot commented 12 years ago

snajper said: To me it seems like duplicate of which is an intermittent RM issue already present since metro 2.2.

glassfishrobot commented 12 years ago

nitkal said: Transferring to RM , since this is an existing RM issue

glassfishrobot commented 11 years ago

@mpotociar said: Assigning to Martin to reassign as appropriate since I no longer own the domain.

glassfishrobot commented 12 years ago

Was assigned to snajper

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

This issue was imported from JIRA WSIT-1647