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TX functional tx04, tx05, tx08 encounter SQL errors on Solaris with 1.0.1 #720

Closed glassfishrobot closed 16 years ago

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

testing TX functional tests on AIX using 1.0.1, see the following errors:

TX04 test4u output: /space/test4u2/xtests/netbeans-trunk/lib/harness.xml:223: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/test/build.xml:62: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/xtests/netbeans-trunk/lib/module_harness.xml:384: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/test/build-tx04.xml:31: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/tx04.ent:90: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/tx04.ent:143: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/resources.ent:9: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/interop/database-ant.xml:38: java.sql.SQLException: A network protocol error was encountered and the connection has been terminated: the requested command encountered an unarchitected and implementation-specific condition for which there was no architected message

TX04 output from tango_qe-tests_wstx_tx04.log: [snip] create-tables: [sql] Executing file: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/pe/transaction/usertransaction/sql/create.sql [sql] Failed to execute: create table txtable1 (id int, message varchar(30)) [sql] java.sql.SQLException: DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: X0Y32, SQLERRMC: Table/View�TXTABLE1�Schema�DBUSER�X0Y32.S

BUILD FAILED /space/test4u2/xtests/netbeans-trunk/lib/harness.xml:223: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/test/build.xml:62: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/xtests/netbeans-trunk/lib/module_harness.xml:384: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/test/build-tx04.xml:31: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/tx04.ent:90: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/tx04.ent:143: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/resources.ent:9: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/interop/database-ant.xml:38: java.sql.SQLException: A network protocol error was encountered and the connection has been terminated: the requested command encountered an unarchitected and implementation-specific condition for which there was no architected message

TX05 test4u output: Critical Error:

/space/test4u2/xtests/netbeans-trunk/lib/harness.xml:223: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/test/build.xml:62: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/xtests/netbeans-trunk/lib/module_harness.xml:384: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/test/build-tx05.xml:32: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/tx05.ent:93: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/tx05.ent:169: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/resources.ent:9: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/interop/database-ant.xml:38: java.sql.SQLException: DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: XJ041, SQLERRMC: Failed to create database 'sample', see the next exception for details.

TX05 output from tango_qe-tests_wstx_tx05.log: start-db:



BUILD FAILED /space/test4u2/xtests/netbeans-trunk/lib/harness.xml:223: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/test/build.xml:62: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/xtests/netbeans-trunk/lib/module_harness.xml:384: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/test/build-tx05.xml:32: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/tx05.ent:93: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/tx05.ent:169: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/resources.ent:9: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/interop/database-ant.xml:38: java.sql.SQLException: DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: XJ041, SQLERRMC: Failed to create database 'sample', see the next exception for details.

TX08 test4u output: Critical Error:

/space/test4u2/xtests/netbeans-trunk/lib/harness.xml:223: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/test/build.xml:62: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/xtests/netbeans-trunk/lib/module_harness.xml:384: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/test/build-tx08.xml:32: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/tx08.ent:141: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/resources.ent:9: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/interop/database-ant.xml:38: java.sql.SQLException: A network protocol error was encountered and the connection has been terminated: the requested command encountered an unarchitected and implementation-specific condition for which there was no architected message

TX08 output from tango_qe-tests_wstx_tx08.log: create-tables: [sql] Executing file: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/interop/etc/tutorial.sql [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE WEB_BOOKSTORE_BOOKS (bookId VARCHAR(8), surname VARCHAR(24), firstName VARCHAR(24), title VARCHAR(96), price FLOAT, onSale SMALLINT, calendar_year INT, description VARCHAR(30), inventory INT) [sql] java.sql.SQLException: DERBY SQL error: SQLCODE: -1, SQLSTATE: X0Y32, SQLERRMC: Table/View�WEB_BOOKSTORE_BOOKS�Schema�APP�X0Y32.S [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO WEB_BOOKSTORE_BOOKS VALUES('201', 'Duke', '', 'My Early Years: Growing up on *7', 30.75, 0, 1995, 'What a cool book.', 20) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO WEB_BOOKSTORE_BOOKS VALUES('202', 'Jeeves', '', 'Web Servers for Fun and Profit', 40.75, 1, 2000, 'What a cool book.', 20) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO WEB_BOOKSTORE_BOOKS VALUES('203', 'Masterson', 'Webster', 'Web Components for Web Developers', 27.75, 0, 2000, 'What a cool book.', 20) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO WEB_BOOKSTORE_BOOKS VALUES('205', 'Novation', 'Kevin', 'From Oak to Java: The Revolution of a Language', 10.75, 1, 1998, 'What a cool book.', 20) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO WEB_BOOKSTORE_BOOKS VALUES('206', 'Gosling', 'James', 'Java Intermediate Bytecodes', 30.95, 1, 2000, 'What a cool book.', 20) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO WEB_BOOKSTORE_BOOKS VALUES('207', 'Thrilled', 'Ben', 'The Green Project: Programming for Consumer Devices', 30.00, 1, 1998, 'What a cool book', 20) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO WEB_BOOKSTORE_BOOKS VALUES('208', 'Tru', 'Itzal', 'Duke: A Biography of the Java Evangelist', 45.00, 0, 2001, 'What a cool book.', 20) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE EJB_ORDER_PART ( PARTNUMBER VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, REVISION NUMERIC(2) NOT NULL, DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(255), REVISIONDATE TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, BOMPARTNUMBER VARCHAR(15), BOMREVISION NUMERIC(2) , PRIMARY KEY (PARTNUMBER, REVISION) ) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: ALTER TABLE EJB_ORDER_PART add CONSTRAINT FK_1 FOREIGN KEY (BOMPARTNUMBER, BOMREVISION) REFERENCES EJB_ORDER_PART (PARTNUMBER, REVISION) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE EJB_ORDER_PART_DETAIL ( PARTNUMBER VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, REVISION NUMERIC(2) NOT NULL, SPECIFICATION CLOB(10K), DRAWING BLOB(10K), PRIMARY KEY (PARTNUMBER, REVISION) ) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE EJB_ORDER_VENDOR ( VENDORID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, VENDORNAME VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL, ADDRESS VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, CONTACT VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, PHONE VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL ) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE EJB_ORDER_VENDOR_PART ( VENDORPARTNUMBER BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(255), PRICE DOUBLE PRECISION NOT NULL, VENDORID INTEGER NOT NULL, PARTNUMBER VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, PARTREVISION NUMERIC(2) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_2 FOREIGN KEY (VENDORID) REFERENCES EJB_ORDER_VENDOR (VENDORID), CONSTRAINT FK_3 FOREIGN KEY (PARTNUMBER, PARTREVISION) REFERENCES EJB_ORDER_PART (PARTNUMBER, REVISION), UNIQUE (PARTNUMBER, PARTREVISION) ) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE EJB_ORDER_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR ( GEN_KEY VARCHAR(255), GEN_VALUE NUMERIC(20) ) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE EJB_ORDER_ORDER ( ORDERID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, STATUS CHAR(1) NOT NULL, LASTUPDATE TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, DISCOUNT NUMERIC(2) NOT NULL, SHIPMENTINFO VARCHAR(255) ) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE EJB_ORDER_LINEITEM ( ORDERID INTEGER NOT NULL, ITEMID NUMERIC(3) NOT NULL, QUANTITY NUMERIC(3) NOT NULL, VENDORPARTNUMBER BIGINT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT FK_4 FOREIGN KEY (ORDERID) REFERENCES EJB_ORDER_ORDER (ORDERID), CONSTRAINT FK_5 FOREIGN KEY (VENDORPARTNUMBER) REFERENCES EJB_ORDER_VENDOR_PART (VENDORPARTNUMBER), PRIMARY KEY (ORDERID, ITEMID) ) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE BANK_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR ( GEN_KEY VARCHAR(255), GEN_VALUE NUMERIC(20) ) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE BANK_ACCOUNT ( ACCOUNT_ID NUMERIC(20) CONSTRAINT PK_ACCOUNT PRIMARY KEY, TYPE VARCHAR(24), DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(30), BALANCE NUMERIC(10,2), CREDIT_LINE NUMERIC(10,2), BEGIN_BALANCE NUMERIC(10,2), BEGIN_BALANCE_TIME_STAMP TIMESTAMP) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE BANK_CUSTOMER ( CUSTOMER_ID NUMERIC(20) CONSTRAINT PK_CUSTOMER PRIMARY KEY, LAST_NAME VARCHAR(30), FIRST_NAME VARCHAR(30), MIDDLE_INITIAL VARCHAR(1), STREET VARCHAR(40), CITY VARCHAR(40), STATE VARCHAR(2), ZIP VARCHAR(5), PHONE VARCHAR(16), EMAIL VARCHAR(30)) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE BANK_TX ( TX_ID NUMERIC(20) CONSTRAINT PK_TX PRIMARY KEY, ACCOUNT_ID NUMERIC(20), TIME_STAMP TIMESTAMP, AMOUNT NUMERIC(10,2), BALANCE NUMERIC(10,2), DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(30), CONSTRAINT FK_TX_ACCOUNT_ID FOREIGN KEY (ACCOUNT_ID) REFERENCES BANK_ACCOUNT(ACCOUNT_ID)) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: CREATE TABLE BANK_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_XREF ( CUSTOMER_ID NUMERIC(20), ACCOUNT_ID NUMERIC(20), CONSTRAINT FK_BANK_CUSTOMER_ID FOREIGN KEY (CUSTOMER_ID) REFERENCES BANK_CUSTOMER(CUSTOMER_ID), CONSTRAINT FK_BANK_ACCOUNT_ID FOREIGN KEY (ACCOUNT_ID) REFERENCES BANK_ACCOUNT(ACCOUNT_ID)) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO EJB_ORDER_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR VALUES ('VENDOR_PART_ID',1) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR VALUES ('CUSTOMER_ID',203) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR VALUES ('ACCOUNT_ID',5050) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_SEQUENCE_GENERATOR VALUES ('TX_ID',100) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_ACCOUNT VALUES (5005, 'Money Market', 'Hi Balance', 4000.00, 0.00, 3500.00, '2005-07-28 23:03:20') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_ACCOUNT VALUES (5006, 'Checking', 'Checking', 85.00, 0.00, 66.54, '2005-07-21 03:12:00') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_ACCOUNT VALUES (5007, 'Credit', 'Visa', 599.18, 5000.00, 166.08, '2005-07-23 10:13:54') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_ACCOUNT VALUES (5008, 'Savings', 'Super Interest Account', 55601.35, 0.00, 5433.89, '2005-07-15 12:55:33') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_CUSTOMER VALUES (200, 'Jones', 'Richard', 'K', '88 Poplar Ave.', 'Cupertino', 'CA', '95014', '408-123-4567', '') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_CUSTOMER VALUES (201, 'Jones', 'Mary', 'R', '88 Poplar Ave.', 'Cupertino', 'CA', '95014', '408-123-4567', '') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_XREF VALUES (200, 5005) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_XREF VALUES (201, 5005) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_XREF VALUES (200, 5006) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_XREF VALUES (200, 5007) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_XREF VALUES (201, 5006) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_XREF VALUES (201, 5007) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_XREF VALUES (200, 5008) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_XREF VALUES (201, 5008) [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (1, 5005, '2005-9-01 12:55:33', 200.00, 4200.00, 'Refund') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 4200.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5005 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (3, 5008, '2005-9-03 12:56:33', -1000.00, 54601.35, 'Transfer Out') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 54604.35 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5008 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (4, 5006, '2005-9-03 12:57:33', 1000.00, 1085.00, 'Transfer In') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 1085.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (5, 5007, '2005-9-05 12:58:33', 33.00, 199.08, 'Clothing') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 199.08 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (6, 5006, '2005-9-06 12:59:33', 2000.00, 3085.00, 'Paycheck Deposit') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3085.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (7, 5005, '2005-9-07 13:00:33', -200.00, 4000.00, 'ATM Withdrawal') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3085.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5005 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (8, 5006, '2005-9-08 13:01:33', -200.00, 2885.00, 'Car Insurance') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2885.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (9, 5007, '2005-9-09 13:02:33', 186.00, 385.08, 'Car Repair') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 385.08 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (10, 5008, '2005-9-10 12:55:33', 1000.00, 55601.35, 'Deposit') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 55601.35 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5008 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (11, 5007, '2005-9-11 12:55:33', 585.00, 970.08, 'Airplane Tickets') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 970.08 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (12, 5006, '2005-9-12 12:55:33', -675.00, 2210.00, 'Mortgage Payment') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2210.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (13, 5005, '2005-9-13 12:55:33', -100.00, 3900.00, 'ATM Withdrawal') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3900.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5005 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (14, 5006, '2005-9-14 12:55:33', -385.08, 1824.92, 'Visa Payment') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 1824.92 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (15, 5007, '2005-9-15 12:55:33', -385.08, 585.00, 'Payment') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 585.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (17, 5007, '2005-9-17 12:55:33', 26.95, 611.95, 'Movies') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 611.95 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (18, 5006, '2005-9-18 12:55:33', -31.00, 1793.92, 'Groceries') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 1793.92 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (19, 5005, '2005-9-19 12:55:33', -150.00, 3750.00, 'ATM Withdrawal') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3750.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5005 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (20, 5006, '2005-9-20 12:55:33', 2000.00, 3173.92, 'Paycheck Deposit') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3173.92 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (21, 5007, '2005-9-21 12:55:33', 124.00, 735.95, 'Furnishings') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 735.95 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (23, 5007, '2005-9-23 12:55:33', 33.12, 769.07, 'Hardware') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 769.07 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (24, 5006, '2005-9-24 12:55:33', -175.33, 2998.59, 'Utility Bill') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2998.59 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (25, 5006, '2005-9-25 12:55:33', -123.00, 2875.59, 'Groceries') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2875.59 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (26, 5006, '2005-9-26 12:55:33', -675.00, 2200.59, 'Mortgage Payment') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2200.59 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (27, 5007, '2005-9-27 12:55:33', 24.72, 793.79, 'Cafe') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 793.79 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (28, 5008, '2005-9-28 12:55:33', 1000.00, 56601.35, 'Deposit') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 56601.35 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5008 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (29, 5007, '2005-9-29 12:55:33', 35.00, 828.79, 'Hair Salon') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 828.79 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (30, 5006, '2005-9-30 12:55:33', -20.00, 2180.59, 'Gasoline') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2180.59 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (31, 5005, '2005-10-01 12:55:33', -100.00, 3650.00, 'ATM Withdrawal') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3650.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5005 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (32, 5006, '2005-10-02 12:55:33', -56.87, 2123.72, 'Phone Bill') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2123.72 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (33, 5007, '2005-10-03 12:55:33', 67.99, 896.78, 'Acme Shoes') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 896.78 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (35, 5007, '2005-10-05 12:55:33', 24.00, 920.78, 'Movies') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 920.78 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (36, 5006, '2005-10-06 12:55:33', 2000.00, 4123.72, 'Paycheck Deposit') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 4123.72 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (38, 5006, '2005-10-08 12:55:33', -100.00, 4023.72, 'Groceries') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 4023.72 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (39, 5007, '2005-10-09 12:55:33', 26.95, 947.73, 'Pizza') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 947.73 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (41, 5007, '2005-10-11 12:55:33', 125.00, 1072.73, 'Dentist') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 1072.73 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (42, 5006, '2005-10-12 12:55:33', -675.00, 3348.72, 'Mortgage Payment') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3348.72 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (43, 5005, '2005-10-13 12:55:33', -150.00, 3500.00, 'ATM Withdrawal') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3500.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5005 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (44, 5006, '2005-10-14 12:55:33', -947.73, 2400.99, 'Visa Payment') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2400.99 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (45, 5007, '2005-10-15 12:55:33', -947.73, 125.00, 'Payment') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 125.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (47, 5007, '2005-10-17 12:55:33', 49.90, 100.85, 'Bookstore') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 100.85 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (48, 5006, '2005-10-18 12:55:33', -100.00, 2300.99, 'Groceries') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2300.99 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (50, 5006, '2005-10-20 12:55:33', 2000.00, 4300.99, 'Paycheck Deposit') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 4300.99 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (51, 5007, '2005-10-21 12:55:33', 80.32, 181.17, 'Restaurant') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 181.17 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (53, 5007, '2005-10-23 12:55:33', 11.78, 192.95, 'Electronics') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 192.95 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (54, 5006, '2005-10-24 12:55:33', -150.45, 4150.54, 'Utility Bill') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 4150.54 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (55, 5005, '2005-10-25 12:55:33', -100.00, 3400.00, 'ATM Withdrawal') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3400.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5005 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (56, 5006, '2005-10-26 12:55:33', -675.00, 3475.54, 'Mortgage Payment') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3475.54 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (57, 5007, '2005-10-27 12:55:33', 24.00, 216.95, 'Ice Skating') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 216.95 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (58, 5006, '2005-10-28 12:55:33', -1000.00, 2475.54, 'Transfer Out') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2475.54 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (59, 5008, '2005-10-28 12:55:33', 1000.00, 57601.35, 'Transfer In') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 57601.35 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5008 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (60, 5006, '2005-11-02 12:55:33', -99.22, 3376.32, 'Phone Bill') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3376.32 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (61, 5007, '2005-11-03 12:55:33', 29.97, 246.92, 'Toy Store') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 246.92 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (62, 5006, '2005-11-04 12:55:33', -2000.00, 376.32, 'Transfer Out') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 376.32 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (63, 5008, '2005-11-05 12:55:33', 2000.00, 59601.35, 'Transfer In') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 59601.35 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5008 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (64, 5006, '2005-11-06 12:55:33', 2000.00, 2376.32, 'Paycheck Deposit') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 59601.35 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (65, 5007, '2005-11-07 12:55:33', 14.69, 261.61, 'Cafe') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 261.61 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (66, 5006, '2005-11-08 12:55:33', -108.99, 2267.33, 'Groceries') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2267.33 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (67, 5006, '2005-11-09 12:55:33', -30.12, 2237.21, 'Gasoline') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2237.21 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (69, 5007, '2005-11-11 12:55:33', 125.00, 386.61, 'Dentist') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2237.21 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (70, 5006, '2005-11-12 12:55:33', -675.00, 1562.21, 'Mortgage Payment') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 1562.21 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (72, 5006, '2005-11-13 12:55:33', -261.61, 1300.60, 'Visa Payment') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 1300.60 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (73, 5007, '2005-11-14 12:55:33', -261.61, 125.00, 'Payment') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 125.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (75, 5007, '2005-11-15 12:55:33', 24.00, 149.00, 'Drug Store') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 149.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (76, 5006, '2006-03-16 12:55:33', -67.98, 1232.62, 'Groceries') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 1232.62 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (78, 5006, '2006-03-17 12:55:33', 2000.00, 3232.62, 'Paycheck Deposit') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3232.62 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (79, 5007, '2006-03-18 12:55:33', 32.95, 181.95, 'CDs') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 181.95 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (81, 5007, '2006-04-01 12:55:33', 14.10, 196.05, 'Sports Store') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 196.05 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (82, 5006, '2006-04-01 12:55:33', -99.30, 3133.32, 'Utility Bill') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3133.32 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (84, 5006, '2006-04-04 12:55:33', -675.00, 2458.32, 'Mortgage Payment') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 2458.32 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5006 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (85, 5007, '2006-04-10 12:55:33', 23.98, 220.03, 'Garden Supply') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 220.03 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5007 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: INSERT INTO BANK_TX VALUES (86, 5005, '2006-04-19 12:55:33', -100.00, 3300.00, 'ATM Withdrawal') [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection. [sql] Failed to execute: UPDATE BANK_ACCOUNT SET BALANCE = 3300.00 WHERE ACCOUNT_ID = 5005 [sql] java.sql.SQLTransientConnectionException: No current connection.

BUILD FAILED /space/test4u2/xtests/netbeans-trunk/lib/harness.xml:223: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/test/build.xml:62: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/xtests/netbeans-trunk/lib/module_harness.xml:384: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/test/build-tx08.xml:32: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/tx08.ent:141: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/functional/resources.ent:9: The following error occurred while executing this line: /space/test4u2/cvswork/sunsw/tango/qe-tests/wstx/interop/database-ant.xml:38: java.sql.SQLException: A network protocol error was encountered and the connection has been terminated: the requested command encountered an unarchitected and implementation-specific condition for which there was no architected message


Operating System: Solaris Platform: Other

Affected Versions


glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

Reported by

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: Created an attachment (id=445) TX04 test4u log

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: Created an attachment (id=446) TX05 test4u log

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: Created an attachment (id=447) TX08 test4u log

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: Created an attachment (id=448) domain1 server.log

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: Created an attachment (id=449) domain2 server.log

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: using wsit-nightly-1-0-1-20071113+GF-91_01 (host: glrr)

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: platform is not AIX, but Solaris instead

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago said: closing issue, as problem is no longer occurring, seemingly an intermittent issue?

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

File: server-domain1-sql-errors.log Attached By:

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

File: server-domain2-sql-errors.log Attached By:

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

File: tango_qe-tests_wstx_tx04-1.log Attached By:

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

File: tango_qe-tests_wstx_tx05-1.log Attached By:

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

File: tango_qe-tests_wstx_tx08-2.log Attached By:

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

Was assigned to

glassfishrobot commented 7 years ago

This issue was imported from JIRA WSIT-720

glassfishrobot commented 16 years ago

Marked as cannot reproduce on Tuesday, July 22nd 2008, 10:43:28 am