We migrated Java 8 application to Java 11. we were using webservices-rt:2.3.1, I noticed a class conflict issue after migrating to Java 11. webservice-rt:2.3.1 has a class JCEMapper in package "com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.algorithms", same way internal JVM contains library "java.xml.Crypto" this library contains JCEMapper class in the same package which i mentioned above ("com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.algorithms").
During execution of Webservice with security, control flow to SecurityTube class of Webservice. From here, JCEMapper class of Webservice has been called. However instead of webservices-rt 's JCEMapper class java.xml.Crypto's JCEMapper class has been invoked.
This is causing Security exception. Issue is not reproducible in Java 8.
We migrated Java 8 application to Java 11. we were using webservices-rt:2.3.1, I noticed a class conflict issue after migrating to Java 11. webservice-rt:2.3.1 has a class JCEMapper in package "com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.algorithms", same way internal JVM contains library "java.xml.Crypto" this library contains JCEMapper class in the same package which i mentioned above ("com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.security.algorithms").
During execution of Webservice with security, control flow to SecurityTube class of Webservice. From here, JCEMapper class of Webservice has been called. However instead of webservices-rt 's JCEMapper class java.xml.Crypto's JCEMapper class has been invoked.
This is causing Security exception. Issue is not reproducible in Java 8.