javafxports / openjdk-jfx

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Request for Gitter channel #296

Open rcano opened 5 years ago

rcano commented 5 years ago

It'd be nice to have a gitter channel for the project as it would simply finding a chatting community for those interested in javafx directly.

elect86 commented 5 years ago

An alternative could be also slack

DJViking commented 5 years ago

I am using Gitter already in regards to Jenkins and TestFX. Would be great to be able to discuss JavaFX there also.

markehammons commented 5 years ago

Thirding this. A gitter channel for community support would be very nice and help adoption I think.

johanvos commented 5 years ago

If there are enough people who would use this, I'm ok as well.

DJViking commented 5 years ago

Create a JavaFX Community with one or more rooms for discussions. A community can be created for the OpenJFX GitHub project, and must be done by one of its administrators.

Rooms could be: openfx-dev openjfx-discuss

odbuser2 commented 5 years ago

Please please please create a gitter room for openjfx. It may start slowly but it will pick up substantially.

odbuser2 commented 5 years ago

PS I'd echo DJViking's suggestion. It would be great to have a JavaFX Community with multiple rooms below it. Currently there isn't a good place to discuss, ask for advice, with such immediacy. Twitter is for the birds :0).