javajawa / DoCitten

DoCitten: The Cutest IRC bot ever [citation needed]
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Changes to GoHome inspired by ethulhu/dwm in #doc, eve of 2013-01-21. #13

Closed Darael closed 11 years ago

Darael commented 11 years ago

Conversation follows:

< DoCitten> Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please: DoC Labs will be closing in 20 minutes

  • ethulhu is neither lady nor gentleman, does not give DoCitten attention < DoCitten> Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please: DoC Labs will be closing in 10 minutes < DoCitten> A dry, twitty comment should go here! < DoCitten> Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please: DoC Labs will be closing in 5 minutes < DoCitten> Please save, commit and push your work, log off, and try not to get locked in! @dwm Hmm. ponders alternative wording @dwm Yeah, s/Ladies and Gentlemen, your attention please/Notice/ @dwm Or just 'Note:' < ethulhu> or just "Your attention please: DoC labs will be closing in T minus 10 minutes" @dwm Indeed. < ethulhu> or "oi, you lot, GO HOME AND SLEEP AND STUFF!" @dwm Yes, that flows more nicely. < ethulhu> :) @dwm ROFL

(note that the caps section replaces the "twitty comment")