javalent / calendarium

The ultimate Obsidian plugin for crafting mind-bending fantasy and sci-fi calendars
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Import csv from Aeon Timeline #125

Open Faeust opened 2 months ago

Faeust commented 2 months ago


Aeon Timeline is a robust program that allows for both fictional and real calendars with detailed timelines, along with characters, locations, and anything else you might want to add. It can export and import CSV files. It also does things like calculate how old someone is during certain events, or how long ago someone died, when an anniversary takes place, etc.

I use it quite often, and now moving over to Obsidian, I would love if there was a way to make it work through this plug-in, if possible.


New program to import data from - Aeon Timeline


Would really like to use this plug-in and a new import would help with that