javalent / calendarium

The ultimate Obsidian plugin for crafting mind-bending fantasy and sci-fi calendars
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Moon Phase doesn't appear on hover #128

Open NenyaM opened 2 months ago

NenyaM commented 2 months ago

Check for existing bug reports before submitting.

Expected Behavior

It used to be that when opening a day in fc calendar and you had moon display enabled, you could hover over the little moon icon and it would show the current moon phase as a word, like "full moon".

Current behaviour

The hover function doesn't work anymore, on two different computers that access the same vault via Dropbox. I can hover and click all I want, the info doesn't appear anymore. Was it purposefully removed or is there something broken?

I didn't notice exactly when this broke, as I only use this feature about once a month tops, but earliest I noticed was around March 22nd, and it's still not working now. The last day I know for certain that it worked was january 1st. Everything else about the calendar works fine, except once I had an issue where a span of months randomly wasn't displayed but restarting Obsidian fixed that. I disabled and then re-enabled the plugin, and I also tried to disable and then re-enable displaying the moons and the issue is still there. I also created another test moon and it didn't work with that one either, neither did creating a completely new calendar.


I have no idea how to reproduce the bug, as I don't know what's causing it on my computers. So it would be:

  1. Open Obsidian
  2. Install Fantasy Calendar
  3. Create New Calendar with any form of months and days
  4. Add at least one moon
  5. Enable "Display Moons"
  6. Open Calendar in side bar
  7. Hover over moon icon
  8. nothing happens

Which Operating Systems are you using?

Obsidian Version Check

1.5.12 (1.5.3)

Plugin Version



Possible solution

No response