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[Bug] Bestiary View Error #193

Open achronister opened 1 year ago

achronister commented 1 year ago

Check for existing bug reports before submitting.

Expected Behavior

Expect the Bestiary creature definition overlaid with encounter specs (in my case, only HP is defined). As in:

 - Zombie, 11
 - Zombie, 15

Bestiary view:

Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 10 50 37 PM

Creature view (doesnt render full creature info):

Screenshot 2023-06-20 at 10 50 44 PM

Wish I had a listing of the plugin versions before updating to these versions, which worked fine, but hindsight is wishful thinking. I do use a custom "1e" layout for statblocks (old school campaign), so perhaps that is at fault for the mismatch...

Current behaviour

If the encounter specs 2 Zombie, with different pre-defined HP, and a valid (viewable without issue) Zombie in Bestiary, the combatant view shows only the values spec'ed in the encounter, not a merge of the Bestiary and the encounter (Bestiary values + encounter HP). Combatant view shows only: Name, and Hit Points Obsidian: 1.3.5 Active plugins: DiceRoller 8.15.1 Fantasy Statblocks 3.6.5 Initiative Tracker 11.1.7 Obsidian Leaflet 5.6.1


I do use a custom "1e" statblock layout. Launch Obsidian. Click a room in map (leaflet), brings up room description with encounter in a new tab. Start encounter, opens Encounter pane. Click first creature in Encounter listing (multiple Zombies are denoted with "Zombie 1" and "Zombie 2". Creature pane opens with partial information (generic Zombie, image above).

Which Operating Systems are you using?

Obsidian Version Check

1.3.5 Obsidian and 0.14.15 Installer

Plugin Version



Possible solution

No response

sigrunixia commented 1 year ago

A few questions to check IT's syncing:

  1. Is your PF1E Bestiary synced with Fantasy Statblocks(FS)?
  2. How is your Bestiary stored: as notes in frontmatter then pulled into statblocks, or did you load a json file?
  3. Is FS syncing enabled in IT?

If Yes to 1 and 3: Does your pf1e layout use the following keys in its layout?

Example below.

ac: 8
hp: 100
hit_dice: 16d12
modifier: 2
achronister commented 1 year ago
  1. Yes.
  2. Bestiary storage: Frontmatter, as in below

statblock: true name: Zombie

name: Zombie
type: Undead
frequency: Rare
appearing: 3d8
ac: 8
move: 60 ft
hp: 8
hit_dice: (2d8)
in_lair: 0%
treasure: None
attacks: 1
damage: 1d8
special_attacks: None
special_defense: None
magic_resistance: Standard
intelligence: Non-
alignment: Neutral
size: Medium
psionic_ability: None
psi_attack_defense: None
xp: 36
info: "Zombies are magically animated corpses, undead creatures under the command of the evil magic-users or clerics who animated them. These creatures follow commands - as spoken on the spot or as given previously - of limited length and complication (a dozen words or so)."
info2: "Zombies are typically found near graveyards, in dungeons, and similar charnel places. Zombies are slow, always striking last, but always doing 1-8 hit points of damage when they hit. They always fight until destroyed and nothing short of a cleric can turn them back."
info3: "Sleep, charm, hold and cold-based spells do not affect zombies. Holy water vials score 2-8 hit points of damage for each one which strikes."
  1. Yes.

Addendum: Interesting... after more fiddling this evening, I've found that if: I start an encounter and click a creature in the encounter list, I get the partial creature display as mentioned. If I then: find the creature in my bestiary, open it (some have hit_dice as (2d8), view, and 'Save to Bestiary', go back to the encounter and start it again, the creature links work and I get a full display in the Creature view.

So I have a work-around, albeit a tedious one.

sigrunixia commented 1 year ago

If that workaround works, then it may be that you have to manually run parse creatures from frontmatter again.



Also check that these settings in FS are enabled.


After that, check IT again and see if there are any changes.