javalent / obsidian-leaflet

Adds interactive maps to using Leaflet.js
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[GPX] Change tooltip speed measure to Metric (km/h) #288

Closed MiracleXYZ closed 2 years ago

MiracleXYZ commented 2 years ago

I just imported a GPX file of my workout (from Apple Watch) and got the tooltip:

  1. The tooltip is good, but is there an option to change the measure to Metric? (i.e. mph -> kmh) (I already set unit to meters but it doesn't work on the tooltip)
  2. How can I "Zoom to 1 GPX Track" automatically? showAllMarkers doesn't work. Would love it if there is a zoomToOneGPXTrack option.


valentine195 commented 2 years ago

Can you make the second request its own issue?

I fixed the first request, that was actually a bug.

valentine195 commented 2 years ago

Actually, your second request can be done - I just forgot to document it. Use the zoomFeatures: true parameter in your map.

MiracleXYZ commented 2 years ago

It works perfectly. Thanks!