javalin / javalin-openapi

Annotation processor for compile-time OpenAPI & JsonSchema, with out-of-the-box support for Javalin 5.x, Swagger & ReDoc
Apache License 2.0
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Encountering "no api definition provided" Error with Javalin OpenAPI Annotations #215

Closed eris324 closed 4 months ago

eris324 commented 6 months ago

Hello I'm trying to document my REST API using OpenAPI annotations. Despite annotating my controller method with @OpenApi, I'm encountering a "no api definition provided" error when trying to access the generated documentation via Swagger UI or ReDoc.

Here's the relevant portion of my Kotlin code where I set up Javalin, configure the OpenAPI plugin, and define a simple UserController that I took from an example

package org.example

import io.javalin.Javalin
import io.javalin.apibuilder.ApiBuilder.*
import io.javalin.http.Context
import io.javalin.openapi.*
import io.javalin.openapi.plugin.OpenApiPlugin
import io.javalin.openapi.plugin.redoc.ReDocPlugin
import io.javalin.openapi.plugin.swagger.SwaggerPlugin
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

data class User(
    val id: Int,
    val name: String,
    val email: String

object UserService {

    private val users = hashMapOf(
        0 to User(id = 0, name = "Alice", email = "alice@alice.kt"),
        1 to User(id = 1, name = "Bob", email = "bob@bob.kt"),
        2 to User(id = 2, name = "Carol", email = "carol@carol.kt"),
        3 to User(id = 3, name = "Dave", email = "dave@dave.kt")

    private var lastId: AtomicInteger = AtomicInteger(users.size - 1)

    fun getAll() = users.values

fun getConfiguredOpenApiPlugin(): OpenApiPlugin {
    return OpenApiPlugin { pluginConfig ->
        pluginConfig.withDefinitionConfiguration { _, definition ->
            definition.withInfo { info: OpenApiInfo ->
                info.title = "sentinel"
                info.version = "1.0.0"
                info.description = "sentinel"
        pluginConfig.documentationPath = "/swagger-docs"

object UserController {
        summary = "Get all users",
        operationId = "getAllUsers",
        tags = ["User"],
        responses = [OpenApiResponse("200", [OpenApiContent(Array<User>::class)])],
        path = "/users",
        methods = [HttpMethod.GET]
    fun getAll(ctx: Context) {
fun main() {

    Javalin.create { config ->
        config.registerPlugin(OpenApiPlugin { pluginConfig ->
            pluginConfig.withDefinitionConfiguration { version, definition ->
                definition.withInfo { info: OpenApiInfo ->
                    info.title = "Javalin OpenAPI example"
        config.router.apiBuilder {
            path("users") {

    println("Check out ReDoc docs at http://localhost:7001/redoc")
    println("Check out Swagger UI docs at http://localhost:7001/swagger")


and the pom

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""



        <!-- Kotlin -->

        <!-- Javalin -->



But it seems not detected my definition


dzikoysk commented 6 months ago

Hey, you're using Kotlin with Java's annotation processor and that's why you don't get any results. You should use kapt, as far as I see it is supported Maven: