javamachr / sonar-gitlab-plugin

Add to each commit GitLab in a global commentary on the new anomalies added by this commit and add comment lines of modified files
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
121 stars 21 forks source link

plugin + housekeeping #34

Open danilodorgam opened 1 year ago

danilodorgam commented 1 year ago

Do you know if the use of this plug-in interferes with cleaning the database via housekeeping? Even after changing to one day the housekeeping has not taken effect.

Sorry if it has nothing to do with the plugin

javamachr commented 1 year ago

Do you mean DB of Sonar or DB of Gitlab? AFAIK it should not have any impact on this as it only reports results to GitLab via API.

danilodorgam commented 1 year ago

it refers to the sonar db, we are using 100 gb in development and we wanted to reduce this value.

javamachr commented 1 year ago

I believe that this plugin in particular does not touch sonar DB. But it requires Community Branch plugin for proper work adn that one definitely does write into sonar DB(branches + PRs) so you may need to check that one.

emericv commented 5 months ago

I make my own housekeeper, you can put it in a scheduled GitLab job

Known limits:


#! /usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import json
import os
import requests
import sys
import time
from dateutil import parser as date_parser
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

if 'SONAR_HOST_URL' in os.environ:
    SONAR_HOST_URL = str(os.environ.get('SONAR_HOST_URL'))

if 'SONAR_TOKEN' in os.environ:
    SONAR_TOKEN = str(os.environ.get('SONAR_TOKEN'))
    SONAR_TOKEN = ''

if 'DRY_RUN' in os.environ:
    DRY_RUN = bool(os.environ.get('DRY_RUN'))
    DRY_RUN = False

if 'BRANCH_AGE_LIMIT_IN_DAYS' in os.environ:

class Error(Exception):
    """Error message"""

class SonarqubeHousekeeper:
    # SonarQube Housekeeper

    def __init__(self, sonar_host_url=SONAR_HOST_URL, sonar_token=SONAR_TOKEN, dry_run=False):
        # Initialize the housekeeper
        self.sonar_api_url = sonar_host_url + '/api'
        self.sonar_token = sonar_token
        self.dry_run = dry_run
        self.headers = {}

    def _request(self, path, method, params = {}):
        # Process API request
        response = requests.request(method, headers=self.headers,
            url=self.sonar_api_url + path, params=params, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(self.sonar_token, '')
        if response.headers.get('Content-Type') is not None:
            if response.headers.get('content-type') == 'application/json':
                return response.json()

    def get_project_list(self):
        # Get the project list
        data = self._request(path='/projects/search', method='GET', params={'ps': '100'})
        iterator = map(lambda item: item['key'], data['components'])
        return list(iterator)

    def get_project_stale_branch_list(self, project_id):
        # Get the project list
        data = self._request(path='/project_branches/list', method='GET',
                             params={'ps': '100', 'project': project_id})
        stale_branch_list = []
        date_limit = - relativedelta(days=BRANCH_AGE_LIMIT_IN_DAYS)
        for branch in data['branches']:
            if branch['excludedFromPurge'] or branch['type'] != 'BRANCH':
            analysis_time = date_parser.parse(branch['analysisDate'])
            if analysis_time > date_limit:
        return stale_branch_list

    def remove_project_branch(self, project_id, branch_name):
        # Remove branch
        print('Removing stale branch [' + project_id + ' - ' + branch_name + ']...')
        if self.dry_run:
        self._request(path='/project_branches/delete', method='POST',
                      params={'project': project_id, 'branch': branch_name})

    def remove_project_stale_branches(self, project_id):
        # Remove stale branches
        branch_list = self.get_project_stale_branch_list(project_id)
        for branch in branch_list:
            self.remove_project_branch(project_id, branch)

    def remove_all_stale_branches(self):
        # Remove stale branches
        project_list = self.get_project_list()
        for project_id in project_list:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    housekeeper = SonarqubeHousekeeper(sonar_token=SONAR_TOKEN, dry_run=DRY_RUN)