javamelody / liferay-javamelody

JavaMelody plugin for Liferay
Apache License 2.0
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No sql monitoring: Datasource can't be rewrapped HikariDataSource #16

Closed ghenadiibatalski closed 4 years ago

ghenadiibatalski commented 4 years ago

Hello, i've got the problem, the Hikari connction pool is not monitored. Below you can see some debug log. The configuration is done accorind to javamelody docu.

It is the DXP 7.0 SP13 with tomcat and current HikariCP.

Can you please assist

Reagrds, Gena

Fri Apr 17 20:01:23 CEST 2020     DEBUG     parameter defined: rewrap-datasources=true
Fri Apr 17 20:01:23 CEST 2020     DEBUG     log listeners initialized
Fri Apr 17 20:01:23 CEST 2020     DEBUG     datasources found in JNDI: [java:comp/env/jdbc/LiferayPool]
Fri Apr 17 20:01:23 CEST 2020     DEBUG     Datasource needs rewrap: java:comp/env/jdbc/LiferayPool of class com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
Fri Apr 17 20:01:23 CEST 2020     INFO     Datasource can't be rewrapped: java:comp/env/jdbc/LiferayPool of class com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
Fri Apr 17 20:01:23 CEST 2020     DEBUG     JPA persistence provider resolver initialized
evernat commented 4 years ago

Sorry, HikarciCP in Liferay/Tomcat is not supported for sql monitoring in the Liferay javamelody plugin. I suggest to use the default connection pool of Tomcat (DBCP), instead of HikariCP.